Giotto di Bondone (artist)
  • 1. In which year did Giotto di Bondone die?
A) 1337
B) 1276
C) 1410
D) 1492
  • 2. What was Giotto di Bondone famous for?
A) Sculpture
B) Music
C) Architecture
D) Painting
  • 3. Which art movement was Giotto di Bondone associated with?
A) Impressionism
B) Proto-Renaissance
C) Surrealism
D) Cubism
  • 4. What was the name of Giotto di Bondone's workshop in Florence?
A) Studio
B) Bottega
C) Gallery
D) Atelier
  • 5. Who was Giotto di Bondone's most famous student?
A) Duccio di Buoninsegna
B) Filippo Brunelleschi
C) Taddeo Gaddi
D) Pietro Cavallini
  • 6. What material did Giotto di Bondone primarily use for his paintings?
A) Tempera
B) Oil
C) Fresco
D) Acrylic
  • 7. Which famous medieval poet wrote of Giotto di Bondone in one of his works?
A) Dante Alighieri
B) Petrarch
C) Geoffrey Chaucer
D) Christine de Pizan
  • 8. To which order of monks did Giotto di Bondone have close ties, leading to many commissions for their churches?
A) Benedictine
B) Jesuit
C) Dominican
D) Franciscan
  • 9. What religious order did Giotto di Bondone join in his later years, influencing his art further?
A) Jesuits
B) Franciscans
C) Dominicans
D) Benedictines
  • 10. In which country did Giotto di Bondone die?
A) Germany
B) France
C) Italy
D) Spain
  • 11. What was Giotto di Bondone's profession?
A) Architect
B) Sculptor
C) Painter
D) Musician
  • 12. Which of the following is NOT a famous work by Giotto di Bondone?
A) Lamentation of Christ
B) Scrovegni Chapel frescoes
C) Mona Lisa
D) Madonna Enthroned
  • 13. Who was Giotto di Bondone's teacher?
A) Cimabue
B) Leonardo da Vinci
C) Donatello
D) Michelangelo
  • 14. What is the title of Giotto di Bondone's most famous work in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi?
A) The Last Supper
B) Legend of St. Francis
C) Creation of Adam
D) Sistine Chapel Ceiling
  • 15. Which pope invited Giotto di Bondone to Rome to paint the new St. Peter's Basilica?
A) Alexander VII
B) Boniface VIII
C) Innocent X
D) Clement VI
  • 16. Which Italian city contains Giotto di Bondone's masterpieces at the Scrovegni Chapel?
A) Padua
B) Florence
C) Rome
D) Venice
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