Payseur's list 5-8
__1. accoladeA. extremely large number
__2. atrophyB. brief using few words
__3. chronicC. delicate floating cobwebs
__4. gossamerD. continuing for a long time
__5. grandiloquentE. attempting to impress with big words
__6. harangueF. an award, an honor, approval praise
__7. laconicG. to form or wait in line
__8. MyriadH. skillful, to be very good at something
__9. proficientI. to wither away
__10. queueJ. to lecture, berate, long bombastic speech
__11. aptitudeA. a meeting of the members of a political party
__12. atrophyB. to carry on despite hardships
__13. caucusC. capacity for learning
__14. cowerD. one humped domestic camel
__15. demonicE. one who works devilishly, a persistent person
__16. DromedaryF. physically or mentally destructive or harmful to other human
__17. endureG. cringe from fear;shrink away
__18. giddyH. light headed sensation;dizzy,frivolous
__19. irascibleI. to wither away
__20. noxiousJ. easily anger, irritable
__21. alienateA. insensitive;block headed;slow in comprehension
__22. aspireB. a way or method of doing something;type, manner
__23. catapultC. slingshot
__24. citadelD. fortress overlooking the city; a stronghold
__25. congenialE. period of inactivity or depression
__26. cravenF. cowardly
__27. doldrumsG. something one hopes to achieve
__28. modeH. to make hostile; to cause to feel estranged
__29. obtuseI. pleasant to be around
__30. paranoiaJ. mental illness of unreasonable anxiety,
__31. begetA. someone willing to sacrifice and give their life for a cause
__32. blatherB. to make easier, to help bring about
__33. consensusC. to collect or gather; act of inspection or examination
__34. curtailD. to give birth; to create
__35. facilitateE. to truncate or abridge;to lessen;usually by cutting away
__36. fjordF. one who consumes a great deal
__37. gluttonG. long narrow inlet from the sea between hills and cliffs
__38. martyrH. general agreement
__39. musterI. to talk nonsensically
__40. scrutinizeJ. look carefully at, to examine
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