White Cliffs of Dover
  • 1. Which body of water do the White Cliffs of Dover overlook?
A) North Sea
B) Atlantic Ocean
C) Irish Sea
D) English Channel
  • 2. In which county are the White Cliffs of Dover located?
A) Kent
B) Dorset
C) Sussex
D) Hampshire
  • 3. What important event happened in 1066 near the White Cliffs of Dover?
A) Battle of Bosworth Field
B) Battle of Hastings
C) Battle of Agincourt
D) Battle of Bannockburn
  • 4. Which famous British leader was born in Dover near the White Cliffs?
A) King Henry VIII
B) King Arthur
C) Queen Elizabeth I
D) Winston Churchill
  • 5. What type of rock are the White Cliffs of Dover primarily composed of?
A) Granite
B) Sandstone
C) Chalk
D) Limestone
  • 6. Which English poet referred to the White Cliffs of Dover in his poem 'Dover Beach'?
A) Percy Bysshe Shelley
B) John Keats
C) William Wordsworth
D) Matthew Arnold
  • 7. What endangered bird species makes its home in the cliffs of Dover?
A) Peregrine Falcon
B) Eurasian Eagle-Owl
C) Bald Eagle
D) Harpy Eagle
  • 8. Which historical figure famously crossed the English Channel to reach the White Cliffs of Dover?
A) William the Conqueror
B) Julius Caesar
C) Napoleon Bonaparte
D) Queen Victoria
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