Arabic numerals first developed in India
  • 1. Where were Arabic numerals first developed?
A) India
B) Persia
C) Africa
D) China
  • 2. Arabic numerals are also known as __________ numerals.
A) Roman
B) Egyptian
C) Hindu-Arabic
D) Mayan
  • 3. Which civilization contributed significantly to the development of Arabic numerals?
A) Viking
B) Incan
C) Greek
D) Indian
  • 4. What is the base of the Arabic numeral system?
A) 20
B) 50
C) 5
D) 10
  • 5. Who introduced the Indian numeral system to the Islamic world?
A) Confucius
B) Genghis Khan
C) Al-Khwarizmi
D) Aristotle
  • 6. The invention of Arabic numerals revolutionized which field?
A) Mathematics
B) Cooking
C) Astronomy
D) Farming
  • 7. The use of Arabic numerals in Europe became widespread during which century?
A) 5th century
B) 18th century
C) 13th century
D) 20th century
  • 8. What symbol did Indian mathematicians invent and later became 'zero'?
A) Alpha
B) Infinity
C) Shunya
D) Pi
  • 9. What language did the Indian numerals adopt in the West?
A) Arabic
B) Latin
C) Chinese
D) Russian
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