Christianity in Medieval Scotland
  • 1. Which famous monastic settlement was founded by St. Columba on the island of Iona?
A) Dunfermline Abbey
B) St. Andrews Cathedral
C) Iona Abbey
D) Melrose Abbey
  • 2. What event marked the decline of the Celtic Church in Scotland and the growing influence of the Roman Church?
A) Declaration of Arbroath
B) Treaty of Falaise
C) Battle of Bannockburn
D) Synod of Whitby
  • 3. The establishment of universities such as St. Andrews and Glasgow in Medieval Scotland was closely linked to the spread of:
A) Trade
B) Feudalism
C) Chivalry
D) Christianity
  • 4. Which religious order built the famous Melrose Abbey in the Scottish Borders in the 12th century?
A) Dominicans
B) Cistercians
C) Carthusians
D) Jesuits
  • 5. Which Scottish reformer played a key role in the Scottish Reformation movement that aimed to challenge Catholic practices in Scotland?
A) John Knox
B) Andrew Melville
C) Patrick Hamilton
D) George Wishart
  • 6. Who famously composed the Scottish hymn 'Auld Lang Syne', a reflection of his Christian beliefs and values?
A) Mary, Queen of Scots
B) Sir Walter Scott
C) Adam Smith
D) Robert Burns
  • 7. Which 14th-century Scottish theologian is celebrated for his works on the nature of God and faith, influencing Christian thought in the late Middle Ages?
A) John Duns Scotus
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) William of Ockham
D) Gregory Palamas
  • 8. The Declaration of Arbroath, drafted in 1320, expressed Scotland's support for the independence of the Scottish Church from the interference of which country?
A) Spain
B) Italy
C) France
D) England
  • 9. Which Scottish queen was known for her strong Catholic faith and the persecution of Protestants in the mid-16th century?
A) Mary, Queen of Scots
B) Mary of Guise
C) Mary I of England
D) Mary of Modena
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