
  A Customer Value where Customer contributes 

directly to our business.


TRUE or FALSE. When we engage customers as partners, we 

recognize  their contribution to an organization’s development.



Two ways of viewing customer value.

     First, how a customer   __________(s) to  our business. 

     Second, how a customer _________(s) the value they 

received from making a product or service purchase.

Value that the customer causes for us as a result

   word-of-mouth, positive reviews, or referrals.

What are the three classifications of customers types?
in relation to 
in relation to the 
Fill in the blanks

    When we define customers  as___________, customers 

represent that part of a business that adds to the

 companys value proposition.

   When we look at customers as ________, we specify what we 

want to achieve; in recognizing customers as goals,

 we seek to align not only with their expectations 

but with their ultimate needs.

Customers bring in repeat service, relationship evolves over time, there is a personal element of trust between two parties; the same relationship is important to maintaining the business, the nature of the relationship may result in special considerations, and relationships are cultivated for quality service
Short-term and based on minimal contact, customers are treated the same, with no personal basis for service; there is a lack of individual recognition from both sides and no special considerations

Contacts are being established via 

 (give at least 5)

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