John Dalton
  • 1. What year was John Dalton born?
A) 1856
B) 1699
C) 1766
D) 1789
  • 2. In which country was John Dalton born?
A) Germany
B) United States
C) England
D) France
  • 3. Which branch of science did John Dalton significantly contribute to?
A) Botany
B) Geology
C) Chemistry
D) Astronomy
  • 4. What is the name of John Dalton's book where he first proposed his atomic theory?
A) A New System of Chemical Philosophy
B) Principia Mathematica
C) On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
D) The Origin of Species
  • 5. What job did John Dalton hold for most of his life?
A) Blacksmith
B) Teacher
C) Farmer
D) Sailor
  • 6. Which university awarded John Dalton an honorary doctorate in 1832?
A) Sorbonne University
B) Harvard University
C) University of Oxford
D) Heidelberg University
  • 7. Which law of chemistry is often attributed to John Dalton?
A) Boyle's Law
B) Avogadro's Law
C) Law of Multiple Proportions
D) Charles's Law
  • 8. Which city did John Dalton spend most of his life working in?
A) Manchester
B) London
C) Glasgow
D) Birmingham
  • 9. What was the occupation of John Dalton's father?
A) Doctor
B) Military Officer
C) Weaver
D) Politician
  • 10. John Dalton's atomic theory proposed that all matter is made up of tiny indivisible particles called what?
A) Atoms
B) Electrons
C) Protons
D) Molecules
  • 11. Which fellow scientist of John Dalton independently discovered the Law of Multiple Proportions?
A) Boyle
B) Faraday
C) Lavoisier
D) Berzelius
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