A) The study of human behavior. B) The synthesis of genetics and evolution. C) The classification of animal species. D) The history of paleontology.
A) The Origin of Species. B) The Selfish Gene. C) On the Origin of Species. D) Evolution: The Modern Synthesis.
A) Natural selection. B) Vitalism. C) Intelligent design. D) Lamarckian inheritance.
A) 1962. B) 1955. C) 1927. D) 1942.
A) He proposed the theory of punctuated equilibrium. B) He rejected the theory of evolution. C) He was a proponent of Lamarckism. D) He integrated Mendelian genetics with Darwinian evolution.
A) Random mutation and natural selection. B) Divine intervention. C) Goal-directed change. D) Inheritance of acquired traits.
A) The role of evolutionary adaptations. B) Behavior is entirely learned. C) Most behavior is fixed and unchangeable. D) Behavior has no evolutionary significance.
A) Gregor Mendel. B) Charles Darwin. C) Alfred Russel Wallace. D) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. |