Northern Fur Seal
  • 1. What is the scientific name for the Northern Fur Seal?
A) Enhydra lutris
B) Callorhinus ursinus
C) Ursus maritimus
D) Phoca vitulina
  • 2. What is the typical diet of Northern Fur Seals?
A) Fish and squid
B) Seaweed and algae
C) Plankton
D) Clams and mussels
  • 3. What is the status of the Northern Fur Seal on the IUCN Red List?
A) Least Concern
B) Vulnerable
C) Critically Endangered
D) Endangered
  • 4. What is the primary cause of mortality for Northern Fur Seal pups?
A) Predation by other marine mammals
B) Disease
C) Starvation
D) Climate change
  • 5. How do Northern Fur Seals regulate their body temperature?
A) By migrating to warmer waters
B) Through a thick layer of blubber
C) By huddling together for warmth
D) By panting heavily
  • 6. What are the main threats to the population of Northern Fur Seals?
A) Overfishing and climate change
B) Natural disasters and invasive species
C) Illegal hunting and disease
D) Habitat destruction and pollution
  • 7. How are Northern Fur Seals able to swim so gracefully in the water?
A) By using inflatable air sacs
B) By relying on their buoyancy
C) With their streamlined bodies and powerful flippers
D) With the help of a symbiotic relationship with fish
  • 8. How do Northern Fur Seals communicate with each other?
A) By releasing pheromones into the water
B) By using bioluminescent signals
C) Through vocalizations and body postures
D) Through complex dances and patterns
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