Phrasal verbs 2. Bits
  • 1. Invent an history or a lie
A) Make up
B) *
  • 2. Maquillaje
A) make-up
B) *
  • 3. Makeup or make-up ( in spanish)
A) *
B) maquillaje
  • 4. Examine, check
A) look over
B) *
  • 5. Choose, select, identify
A) *
B) pick out
  • 6. Collect in vehicle
A) pick up
B) *
  • 7. Fetch, recoger, retirar
A) pick up
B) *
  • 8. Pasar a buscar algo
A) *
B) pick up
  • 9. Pospone
A) *
B) put off
  • 10. Arrange, begin
A) *
B) set up
  • 11. Establish, instalar, fundar
A) *
B) set up
  • 12. Open a business
A) set up shop
B) *
  • 13. Cancel
A) *
B) call off
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