Survival skills
  • 1. Survival skills are essential abilities that help individuals navigate and overcome challenging situations in the wilderness or emergency scenarios. These skills include but are not limited to shelter building, fire starting, water procurement, food foraging, first aid, navigation, signaling, and self-defense. Developing these skills can greatly enhance one's chances of surviving and thriving in harsh environments or during times of crisis. By honing these skills through practice and training, individuals can become more self-reliant, resourceful, and prepared for unexpected challenges that may arise.

    Which of the following is a basic survival need?
A) Luxury tent
B) Cellphone
C) Water
D) Television
  • 2. What should you do if you encounter a bear while hiking in the woods?
A) Challenge it to a fight
B) Run as fast as you can
C) Try to feed it
D) Back away slowly and make yourself look bigger
  • 3. What is the best way to purify water in the wild?
A) Washing with soap
B) Boiling
C) Filtering with a coffee filter
D) Adding salt
  • 4. Which is the best way to keep warm in a cold environment?
A) Sleep on the ground
B) Take off all your clothes
C) Start running to generate heat
D) Layer your clothing
  • 5. What is the recommended survival strategy if you are stranded in the desert?
A) Walk during the hottest part of the day
B) Drink as much water as possible
C) Stay cool, conserve energy, and find shade
D) Climb the highest sand dune
  • 6. What is the best way to deal with a snake bite in the wilderness?
A) Ignore it
B) Suck the venom out with your mouth
C) Keep the bite area immobilized and seek medical help
D) Run as fast as you can to get help
  • 7. Why is it important to stay calm in a survival situation?
A) To attract more animals
B) To think clearly and make rational decisions
C) To test your sanity
D) To show off your survival skills
  • 8. Why is it important to have a positive mental attitude in a survival situation?
A) To make friends with wild animals
B) To maintain hope and motivation for survival
C) To entertain yourself
D) To scare away predators
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