John Adams by David McCullough (2001)
  • 1. When was John Adams born?
A) July 4, 1776
B) January 1, 1800
C) April 15, 1793
D) October 30, 1735
  • 2. Which US President succeeded John Adams?
A) James Madison
B) Andrew Jackson
C) Thomas Jefferson
D) George Washington
  • 3. In which state was John Adams born?
A) Massachusetts
B) New York
C) Virginia
D) Pennsylvania
  • 4. Who was John Adams' wife?
A) Abigail Adams
B) Martha Washington
C) Dolley Madison
D) Michelle Obama
  • 5. Which important document did John Adams help draft?
A) Constitution of the United States
B) Bill of Rights
C) Emancipation Proclamation
D) Declaration of Independence
  • 6. Which political party was John Adams a member of?
A) Democratic-Republican
B) Federalist
C) Libertarian
D) Whig
  • 7. John Adams was the father of which US President?
A) John Quincy Adams
B) Andrew Jackson
C) Thomas Jefferson
D) James Madison
  • 8. For which position did John Adams serve before becoming President?
A) Secretary of State
B) Vice President
C) Ambassador to France
D) Governor of Massachusetts
  • 9. Which university did John Adams attend?
A) Stanford
B) Harvard
C) Princeton
D) Yale
  • 10. John Adams was a leading advocate for what event?
A) Civil Rights Movement
B) World War II
C) American independence
D) Industrial Revolution
  • 11. What was the capital of the United States when John Adams was President?
A) Washington D.C.
B) Boston
C) New York City
D) Philadelphia
  • 12. John Adams famously defended British soldiers in which notable trial?
A) Scopes Monkey Trial
B) Salem Witch Trials
C) Tuskegee Syphilis Study
D) Boston Massacre
  • 13. What was John Adams' profession before entering politics?
A) Farmer
B) Soldier
C) Doctor
D) Lawyer
  • 14. Which political theory did John Adams contribute to significantly?
A) Communism
B) Anarchism
C) Republicanism
D) Fascism
  • 15. John Adams served as the first U.S. ambassador to which country?
A) Great Britain
B) Russia
C) Spain
D) France
  • 16. Which major event marked the end of John Adams' presidency?
A) Election of Thomas Jefferson
B) Impeachment by Congress
C) Assassination attempt
D) Resignation due to illness
  • 17. What was John Adams' nickname among his political opponents?
A) The Sage of Monticello
B) His Rotundity
C) The Great Compromiser
D) The Founding Father
  • 18. Who is the author of the biography 'John Adams' that was published in 2001?
A) Jon Meacham
B) Doris Kearns Goodwin
C) Ron Chernow
D) David McCullough
  • 19. In which year was the book 'John Adams' published?
A) 1800
B) 1865
C) 1776
D) 2001
  • 20. Which event strained relations between the United States and France during John Adams' presidency?
A) Emancipation Proclamation
B) Boston Tea Party
C) Missouri Compromise
D) XYZ Affair
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