Treasures of Lost Libraries
  • 1. Which famous library was located in Alexandria, Egypt, and contained numerous priceless works?
A) Library of Alexandria
B) Bodleian Library
C) British Library
D) Library of Congress
  • 2. The ancient Library of Alexandria is is believed to have been founded around which century?
A) 5th century BC
B) 1st century AD
C) 3rd century BC
D) 10th century AD
  • 3. In which country would you find the famous Trinity College Library, known for the Book of Kells?
A) France
B) Italy
C) Ireland
D) Australia
  • 4. The Song Dynasty's 'Siku Quanshu' is one of the largest encyclopedic works ever produced. In which country was it compiled?
A) China
B) Japan
C) India
D) Korea
  • 5. Which of the following famous libraries was known to have fallen victim to the incendiary bombing of World War II?
A) Bodleian Library
B) Library of Congress
C) The National Library of Russia
D) Trinity College Library
  • 6. Which famous playwright's lost works were supposedly hidden in the library of Owthorpe in England?
A) William Shakespeare
B) Ben Jonson
C) John Webster
D) Christopher Marlowe
  • 7. The lost library of Pergamum was known for its collection of what type of writing material?
A) Vellum
B) Papyrus
C) Clay tablets
D) Parchment
  • 8. Which library, housed in a former palace, contains the famous Codex Gigas, also known as 'The Devil's Bible'?
A) Vatican Library
B) National Library of Sweden
C) The Library of Congress
D) The Bodleian Library
  • 9. Which library, located in Madrid, Spain, was once the royal library and houses the famous 'Goya Manuscripts'?
A) Trinity College Library
B) British Library
C) Library of Congress
D) National Library of Spain
  • 10. In the Harry Potter series, which Hogwarts house has its own library with a collection of books on magic and dark arts?
A) Gryffindor
B) Ravenclaw
C) Slytherin
D) Hufflepuff
  • 11. Which lost library, thought to have existed in antiquity, is associated with the legendary philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras?
A) Library of Sparta
B) Library of Croton
C) Library of Athens
D) Library of Elea
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