Luanda Old City
  • 1. Luanda Old City, known as 'Cidade Velha', is a captivating historical district in Angola's vibrant capital, Luanda. This area is characterized by its rich colonial architecture, friendly local culture, and bustling energy that invites exploration. As one of the oldest areas of the city, Luanda Old City is home to significant landmarks such as the imposing Forte de São Miguel, a fortress built in the 16th century that offers stunning views of the harbor and city skyline. Strolling through the cobblestone streets, visitors can immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere filled with colorful markets, traditional restaurants serving the renowned Angolan cuisine, and artisans showcasing their crafts. The blend of Portuguese colonial influence with African traditions creates a unique cultural tapestry that reflects the city's history and resilience. Despite the challenges faced over the decades, Luanda Old City has retained its charm and remains a crucial part of the city's identity, inviting both locals and tourists to experience its historical significance and vibrant urban life.

    What is the capital of Angola?
A) Malanje
B) Luanda
C) Benguela
D) Luanda Nova
  • 2. Which Portuguese explorer founded Luanda?
A) Vasco da Gama
B) Paulo Dias de Novais
C) Cristóvão Colombo
D) Ferdinand Magellan
  • 3. Which landmark is located in Luanda Old City?
A) Fortaleza de São Miguel
B) Colosseum
C) Eiffel Tower
D) Christ the Redeemer
  • 4. What type of climate does Luanda have?
A) Desert
B) Tropical
C) Temperate
D) Polar
  • 5. What is the main language spoken in Luanda?
A) English
B) French
C) Spanish
D) Portuguese
  • 6. Which ocean is Luanda near?
A) Pacific Ocean
B) Atlantic Ocean
C) Indian Ocean
D) Arctic Ocean
  • 7. What is the predominant religion in Luanda?
A) Christianity
B) Hinduism
C) Buddhism
D) Islam
  • 8. Which historic event took place in Luanda during the colonial period?
A) Gold rush
B) Spanish Inquisition
C) Slave trade
D) Industrial revolution
  • 9. What is the traditional Angolan dish popular in Luanda?
A) Tacos
B) Sushi
C) Paella
D) Muamba de Galinha
  • 10. What type of market can be found in Luanda Old City?
A) Stock market
B) Fish market
C) Car market
D) Craft market
  • 11. Who was the first president of Angola after independence?
A) Marcolino Gomes Candau
B) Jonas Savimbi
C) Agostinho Neto
D) José Eduardo dos Santos
  • 12. What is the main currency used in Luanda?
A) Pound
B) Euro
C) Dollar
D) Kwanza
  • 13. What is the main square in Luanda Old City called?
A) Praça do Comércio
B) Praça da Independência
C) Praça dos Restauradores
D) Praça de Armas
  • 14. What type of museum is the Museu das Forças Armadas?
A) Art museum
B) Military museum
C) Science museum
D) Natural history museum
  • 15. What significant event took place in Luanda in 1975?
A) Civil War started
B) Portuguese settlement
C) Independence from Portugal
D) First Republic established
  • 16. Which style of music is associated with Luanda?
A) Samba
B) Bossa Nova
C) Kizomba
D) Reggae
  • 17. What cultural event is celebrated extensively in Luanda?
A) Diwali
B) Mardi Gras
C) Oktoberfest
D) Carnival
  • 18. Which influential literary figure is from Angola?
A) Chinua Achebe
B) Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
C) José Eduardo Agualusa
D) Wole Soyinka
  • 19. What traditional Angolan dance is popular in Luanda?
A) Waltz
B) Semba
C) Salsa
D) Tango
  • 20. Which island is a popular getaway near Luanda?
A) Falkland Island
B) Hvar Island
C) Bali Island
D) Ilha do Mussulo
  • 21. What feature is prominent in the architecture of Luanda Old City?
A) Domes
B) Skyscrapers
C) Glass walls
D) Balconies
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