Alexander Hamilton
  • 1. When was Alexander Hamilton born?
A) 1755
B) 1760
C) 1770
D) 1757
  • 2. Which of the following political parties was Alexander Hamilton a part of?
A) Democratic-Republican Party
B) Federalist Party
C) Libertarian Party
D) Whig Party
  • 3. Who famously killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel?
A) James Madison
B) George Washington
C) Thomas Jefferson
D) Aaron Burr
  • 4. Alexander Hamilton served as the first Secretary of what department in the United States government?
A) Defense
B) Treasury
C) Interior
D) State
  • 5. Which famous essay series did Alexander Hamilton contribute to along with James Madison and John Jay?
A) The Constitution Chronicles
B) The Founding Fathers' Essays
C) The Anti-Federalist Papers
D) The Federalist Papers
  • 6. In what Caribbean island was Alexander Hamilton born?
A) Barbados
B) Nevis
C) Haiti
D) Jamaica
  • 7. Where did Alexander Hamilton attend college?
A) Yale University
B) King's College (now Columbia University)
C) Harvard University
D) Princeton University
  • 8. In which war did Alexander Hamilton play a crucial role in securing victory for the United States?
A) War of 1812
B) French and Indian War
C) Mexican-American War
D) American Revolutionary War
  • 9. Alexander Hamilton proposed the idea of a strong central government in opposition to whom?
A) James Madison
B) John Adams
C) George Washington
D) Thomas Jefferson
  • 10. Which state did Alexander Hamilton represent during the Constitutional Convention?
A) New York
B) Pennsylvania
C) Virginia
D) Massachusetts
  • 11. Alexander Hamilton was a key advocate for which industry in the United States?
A) Mining
B) Manufacturing
C) Agriculture
D) Technology
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