British surrender at Yorktown
  • 1. When did the British surrender at Yorktown take place?
A) 1776
B) 1783
C) 1790
D) 1781
  • 2. Who was the British commanding general who surrendered at Yorktown?
A) Benedict Arnold
B) Lafayette
C) Cornwallis
D) Washington
  • 3. Which American general played a crucial role in the Siege of Yorktown?
A) Thomas Jefferson
B) Alexander Hamilton
C) John Adams
D) George Washington
  • 4. Who was the French commander who helped trap the British at Yorktown?
A) Marquis de Lafayette
B) Rochambeau
C) Napoleon
D) Louis XVI
  • 5. Which naval officer cut off British escape by sea at Yorktown?
A) Nelson
B) Magellan
C) Columbus
D) de Grasse
  • 6. Which European nation was an ally to the American forces at Yorktown?
A) Portugal
B) Spain
C) Sweden
D) France
  • 7. Who famously played a key role in convincing France to support the American cause?
A) James Madison
B) Thomas Paine
C) Benjamin Franklin
D) John Hancock
  • 8. What river near Yorktown aided the American and French forces during the siege?
A) Mississippi River
B) Hudson River
C) Potomac River
D) York River
  • 9. What role did the French navy play in the lead up to the surrender at Yorktown?
A) Assisted British escape
B) Evacuated American troops
C) Blockaded British forces
D) Provided food supplies
  • 10. Which side suffered higher casualties during the Siege of Yorktown?
A) American
B) British
C) French
D) Spanish
  • 11. Where is Yorktown located?
A) Georgia
B) Massachusetts
C) New York
D) Virginia
  • 12. Which country did not play a significant role in the British surrender at Yorktown?
A) Netherlands
B) United States
C) France
D) Spain
  • 13. Which British army rank was Cornwallis when he surrendered at Yorktown?
A) Admiral
B) General
C) Captain
D) Colonel
  • 14. Which American city served as the headquarters for the siege of Yorktown?
A) Charleston
B) Williamsburg
C) Boston
D) Philadelphia
  • 15. What celebrated document did the British sign at the surrender at Yorktown?
A) Articles of Capitulation
B) Treaty of Paris
C) Constitution of the United States
D) Declaration of Independence
  • 16. Which Native American tribe fought alongside the British at Yorktown?
A) Mohawk
B) Apache
C) Sioux
D) Cherokee
  • 17. In what month did the British surrender at Yorktown occur?
A) December
B) March
C) July
D) October
  • 18. The events at Yorktown marked a turning point leading to which major peace treaty?
A) Jay Treaty 1794
B) Treaty of Amity and Commerce 1778
C) Treaty of Paris 1783
D) Treaty of Versailles 1787
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