Croesus, fabulously rich king of Lydia
  • 1. In which ancient city did Croesus reign as king?
A) Sardis
B) Argos
C) Thebes
D) Athens
  • 2. Which ancient civilization did Croesus consult before going to war with the Persians?
A) Delphi
B) Babylon
C) Sparta
D) Rome
  • 3. Who led the Persian forces that defeated Croesus at the Battle of Thymbra?
A) Artaxerxes II
B) Darius the Great
C) Cyrus the Great
D) Ariobarzanes
  • 4. What was the name of the famous philosopher who met Croesus at Sardis?
A) Solon
B) Aristotle
C) Plato
D) Socrates
  • 5. What modern-day country was the ancient kingdom of Lydia located in?
A) Egypt
B) Iraq
C) Greece
D) Turkey
  • 6. What precious metal was Lydia known for producing in abundance?
A) Gold
B) Silver
C) Iron
D) Bronze
  • 7. Which ancient Greek historian wrote about the fall of Croesus in his work 'Histories'?
A) Thucydides
B) Plutarch
C) Xenophon
D) Herodotus
  • 8. In what year did Croesus meet his downfall at the hands of Cyrus the Great?
A) 546 BC
B) 480 BC
C) 510 BC
D) 325 BC
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