Famous Female Artists Throughout History
  • 1. Who is known for painting the iconic Mona Lisa?
A) Leonardo da Vinci
B) Frida Kahlo
C) Mary Cassatt
D) Georgia O'Keeffe
  • 2. Who is known for her surrealist self-portraits, often depicting her pain and suffering?
A) Agnes Martin
B) Tamara de Lempicka
C) Frida Kahlo
D) Yoko Ono
  • 3. Which artist is famous for painting elaborate biblical scenes and powerful women?
A) Artemisia Gentileschi
B) Berenice Abbott
C) Lee Krasner
D) Tarsila do Amaral
  • 4. Which artist is famous for her series of iconic pop art portraits, including Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley?
A) Suzanne Valadon
B) Andy Warhol
C) Hannah Wilke
D) Maria Izquierdo
  • 5. Which artist is famous for her large-scale sculptures of spiders and other arachnids?
A) Agnes Martin
B) Louise Bourgeois
C) Lygia Pape
D) Lygia Clark
  • 6. Who is known for her minimalist geometric paintings and contributions to the Op Art movement?
A) Yoko Ono
B) Bridget Riley
C) Alice Neel
D) Senga Nengudi
  • 7. Which artist is famous for her use of polka dots and pumpkins in her artworks?
A) Tamara de Lempicka
B) Marina Abramović
C) Yayoi Kusama
D) Berenice Abbott
  • 8. Who is known for her vibrant abstract paintings and association with the Color Field movement?
A) Yoko Ono
B) Maria Izquierdo
C) Natalia Goncharova
D) Helen Frankenthaler
  • 9. Who is known for her provocative photography exploring issues of identity and gender?
A) Betye Saar
B) Joan Mitchell
C) Hannah Höch
D) Cindy Sherman
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