Mental health
  • 1. Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, influencing how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Factors like genetics, environment, and life experiences can impact mental health. Good mental health means having a sense of purpose, strong self-esteem, healthy relationships, and the ability to cope with challenges. Taking care of your mental health is crucial for overall well-being and quality of life.

    What is the scientific study of the mind and behavior called?
A) Biology
B) Geography
C) Linguistics
D) Psychology
  • 2. Which of the following is NOT a common mental health disorder?
A) Anxiety
B) Bipolar disorder
C) Diabetes
D) Depression
  • 3. A person experiencing extreme mood swings may have which disorder?
B) Schizophrenia
D) Bipolar disorder
  • 4. What term refers to a state of intense fear or discomfort?
A) Excitement
B) Anxiety
C) Apathy
D) Confidence
  • 5. Which neurotransmitter is often associated with feelings of pleasure and reward?
B) Serotonin
C) Dopamine
D) Epinephrine
  • 6. What is the commonly known 'fight or flight' response controlled by?
A) Parasympathetic nervous system
B) Endocrine system
C) Central nervous system
D) Sympathetic nervous system
  • 7. What term describes a persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation?
A) Mania
B) Phobia
C) Hypnosis
D) Paranoia
  • 8. Which mental health professional can prescribe medications?
A) Psychologist
B) Psychiatrist
C) Social worker
D) Counselor
  • 9. What term is used to describe the inability to feel pleasure?
A) Euphoria
B) Anhedonia
C) Paranoia
D) Nostalgia
  • 10. Which part of the brain is responsible for emotional responses and memory?
A) Cerebellum
B) Amygdala
C) Hippocampus
D) Frontal lobe
  • 11. A person with symptoms of intense fear in social situations may have?
A) Social anxiety disorder
B) Obsessive-compulsive disorder
C) Antisocial personality disorder
D) Panic disorder
  • 12. Which disorder is characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors?
A) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
B) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
C) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
D) Borderline personality disorder
  • 13. Which mental disorder is characterized by disruptions in thought processes and perception?
B) Schizophrenia
C) Bipolar disorder
D) Anxiety disorder
  • 14. Which term describes the ability to recover from or adjust to challenges and adversity?
A) Resilience
B) Weakness
C) Sensitivity
D) Endurance
  • 15. What is stigma in the context of mental health?
A) A positive perception of mental health issues.
B) Negative attitudes and beliefs that lead to discrimination against individuals with mental health conditions.
C) A type of mental health disorder.
D) A medical procedure for mental health treatment.
  • 16. What is the best way to support a friend experiencing a mental health crisis?
A) Listen, offer empathy, and encourage them to seek professional help.
B) Share their personal information with others.
C) Tell them to get over it and move on.
D) Ignore their emotions to make them feel better.
  • 17. What is an example of a healthy coping mechanism for dealing with emotions?
A) Isolating oneself from friends and family.
B) Binge-eating unhealthy foods.
C) Spending excessive hours on social media.
D) Engaging in physical activity like running or yoga.
  • 18. What is the importance of setting boundaries in relationships for mental health?
A) To be constantly available to others regardless of personal needs.
B) To merge completely with others and lose individual identity.
C) To never communicate needs or preferences.
D) To maintain personal space, autonomy, and emotional well-being.
  • 19. Why is early intervention important in mental health treatment?
A) To only address the issue once it becomes severe.
B) To prevent conditions from worsening and promote better outcomes.
C) To ignore warning signs completely.
D) To delay seeking treatment as long as possible.
  • 20. What is the role of exercise in maintaining good mental health?
A) It can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-esteem.
B) It only benefits physical health.
C) It has no impact on mental health.
D) It always leads to physical injury.
  • 21. What is an example of a healthy way to express emotions?
A) Only relying on social media for emotional expression.
B) Suppressing emotions with alcohol or drugs.
C) Keeping all emotions bottled up inside.
D) Journaling or talking to a trusted friend.
  • 22. What does CBT stand for in mental health therapy?
A) Complete Body Training
B) Constant Behavioral Testing
C) Creative Brain Techniques
D) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
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