Exploring Coral Reefs
  • 1. What is the largest coral reef system in the world?
A) Great Barrier Reef
B) Red Sea Coral Reef
C) Belize Barrier Reef
D) Coral Triangle
  • 2. Why are coral reefs important to the ocean ecosystem?
A) Regulate the temperature of the ocean
B) Increase acidity levels in the ocean
C) Provide habitat and food for many marine species
D) Reduce pollution in the water
  • 3. What is the process of coral spawning?
A) Release of eggs and sperm into the water for reproduction
B) Trimming coral branches
C) Harvesting coral for jewelry
D) Extermination of coral for construction
  • 4. How do coral reefs obtain most of their energy?
A) Generating energy from the sun
B) Absorbing minerals from the water
C) By hunting small fish
D) Through photosynthesis by zooxanthellae algae
  • 5. Which color of light penetrates the deepest into the ocean, allowing coral to photosynthesize?
A) Yellow
B) Green
C) Red
D) Blue
  • 6. What is the significance of the 'coral triangle'?
A) Region with the highest diversity of coral species
B) Protected area for coral reef research
C) Coral reefs shaped like triangles
D) A triangle-shaped coral reef
  • 7. What is the hard outer skeleton of coral made of?
A) Silica
B) Calcium carbonate
C) Plastic
D) Iron
  • 8. What is the process of a coral reef forming on a volcanic island called?
A) Erosion
B) Succession
C) Subduction
D) Deposition
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