A) Polyneices B) Oedipus C) Creon D) Haemon
A) Eteocles B) Haemon C) Creon D) Oedipus
A) Mothers B) Cousins C) Sisters D) Friends
A) Imprisonment B) Exile C) Death D) Public humiliation
A) The messenger B) A soldier C) Creon's brother D) Antigone's fiancé
A) Imprisoned her indefinitely B) Set her free C) Married her D) Sentenced her to death
A) The pursuit of power B) The inevitability of fate C) The importance of loyalty to family D) Conflict between individual conscience and state law
A) A warrior B) A blind prophet C) Antigone's friend D) Creon's advisor
A) Public opinion B) Her personal desires C) The will of the king D) Divine law and family duty
A) Haemon B) Eteocles C) Oedipus D) Polyneices |