I have a clock and a lamp next to the bedside table on the bedside table behind my wardrobe in my bedside table I brush my teeth in front of the mirror poster wall miror The carpet is on the bed opposite the bed under the bed in the bed He is between the bed and the floor under the floor between the bed in front of the bed Do you like my wardrober? cupboard? bokself? bookshelf? This bed is between the floor and a bedside table next to the bedside table next to the chest of drawers under the bedside table The computer is on the table a bedside table the desk the chest of drawers The carpet rug carpets poster is on the floor He sleeps in his bed in his bedrom on his bed opposite his bed The teddy bears teddis bears teddy bear toys are on the chest of drawers He has a clock, a green lamp, a CD player and a poster in his room a watch, a lamp, a CD and a poster in his room a brown clock, a lamp, a CD player and a poster in his room a clock, a lamp, a CD player and a posterd behind his room |