Sayings We Share Vocabulary
  • 1. My grandmother has very modern ideas for someone from another _______.
A) summoned
B) generation
C) illuminated
D) fortunate
  • 2. If you work ________, you will obtain your goal.
A) generation
B) fortunate
C) summoned
D) persistently
  • 3. The holiday lights _______ the whole town.
A) fortunate
B) persistently
C) faithful
D) illuminated
  • 4. Mr. Rose came quickly when he was ______ to the office.
A) faithful
B) summoned
C) illuminated
D) fortunate
  • 5. Kim is an old and ________ friend whom I can always rely on.
A) persistently
B) generation
C) faithful
D) summoned
  • 6. We are _______ that we have good health.
A) fortunate
B) faithful
C) summoned
D) generation
  • 7. During our play, the spotlight _______ the star singer.
A) summoned
B) illuminated
C) fortunate
D) faithful
  • 8. My dog is so ________ he waits for me at the bus everyday.
A) persistently
B) faithful
C) summoned
D) generation
  • 9. I am the fourth _________ in my family to have red hair.
A) generation
B) persistently
C) fortunate
D) illuminated
  • 10. My sister ___________ practices her trumpet.
A) generation
B) persistently
C) summoned
D) illuminated
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