CPE 304L Reviewer
  • 1. A deployment diagram is used to:
A) Depict workflows in use cases
B) Visualize system actors
C) Represent objects states and transitions
D) Show software and hardware configurations
  • 2. The first step in identifying use cases is typically:
A) Drawing sequence diagrams
B) Identifying actors
C) Writing the system requirements
D) Identifying class relationships
  • 3. Which of the following is NOT a valid UML relationship type in a use case diagram?
A) Extend
B) Use
C) Include
D) Generalization
  • 4. What is the significance of a use case diagram in system design?
A) It visualizes hardware requirements
B) It validates the system architecture
C) It depicts the data flow in the system
D) It manages the project's timelines
  • 5. In what way should I use case diagram be structured?
A) based on system architecture
B) based on workflows
C) based on functionality
D) from the perspective of actors
  • 6. How are associations between actors and use cases depicted in UML diagrams?
A) with solid lines
B) with the dotted lines
C) with triangles
D) with arrows
  • 7. Which type of UML diagram is used to depict workflows.
A) Class Diagram
B) State Machine Diagram
C) Activity Diagram
D) Deployment Diagram
  • 8. Use case diagrams are most useful in:
A) gathering and clarifying system requirements
B) coding the system architecture
C) testing the system components
D) managing project timelines
  • 9. The main actors in a system are identified by asking:
A) who gets information from this system
B) who installs the system
C) what functions the system performs
D) what data the system processes
  • 10. What does a "sequence diagram" illustrate?
A) interactions between objects over time
B) hardware configurations
C) relationships between use cases
D) system requirements
  • 11. A component diagram shows:
A) The hardware configurations of a system
B) the dynamic behavior of the system
C) object interactions over time
D) The high level-structure of software components
  • 12. What is the purpose of the "extends" relationship
A) to define actors interactions
B) to show optional system behavior
C) To show common behavior
D) to specify base use case functionalities
  • 13. Who maintains the system, according to use case identification
A) system administrators
B) developers
C) analysts
D) actors
  • 14. Which relationship adds additional functionality not specified in the base use case?
A) association
B) extend
C) generalization
D) include
  • 15. An object diagram is essentially a snapshot of:
A) system workflows
B) objects and their relationships at a specific point in time
C) software components and their dependencies
D) classes and their methods
  • 16. What does UML stand for?
A) unified management language
B) unified modeling language
C) unstructured modeling language
D) universal modeling language
  • 17. In what year was UML first created by Booch, Jacobson and Rumbaugh?
A) 1995
B) 1990
C) 2005
D) 1985
  • 18. Which of the following is not a UML diagram type?
A) data flow diagram
B) class diagram
C) sequence diagram
D) use case diagram
  • 19. Which UML diagram is used to visualize the structure of a system
A) use case diagram
B) activity diagram
C) class diagram
D) sequence diagram
  • 20. A class diagram represents:
A) object states and transitions
B) dynamic behavior of a system
C) static structure: classes, attributes, methods, and relationships
D) system workflows
  • 21. which diagram shows interactions between objects over time
A) sequence diagram
B) state machine diagram
C) class diagram
D) use case di
  • 22. what is the primary purpose of a use case diagram
A) to visualize system workflows
B) to the big class relationships
C) To show hardware configurations
D) The summarize the system's users and their interactions
  • 23. what is an actor in a use case diagram
A) a hardware component
B) a database system
C) a user or system interacting with the application
D) a module within the software
  • 24. use case diagrams are typically developed:
A) at the early stage of development
B) right before deployment
C) during the coding phase
D) after testing the system
  • 25. What kind of relationships does the include relationship represent in a use case diagram?
A) a use case using the functionality of another use case
B) a child use case inheriting from a parent use case
C) a dependency between two use cases
D) The optional behavior of a system
  • 26. a generalization relationship in use case diagram shows:
A) actor interactions with multiple systems
B) inheritance between use cases
C) optional functionality
D) system workflows
  • 27. The <<extend>> relationship is used to
A) include optional system behavior
B) depict system requirements system requirements
C) include test cases
D) Show mandatory system behavior
  • 28. who typically develops use case diagras?
A) analyst and domain expert together
B) system administrators
C) domain experts only
D) software developers alone
  • 29. wish UML diagram is used to represent object states and transitions
A) activity diagram
B) use case diagram
C) state machine diagram
D) sequence diagram
  • 30. what does a deployment diagram show?
A) high level software components and their dependencies
B) workflows within use cases
C) system interactions with users
D) object relationships in real time
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