  • 1. This refers to functional distribution of language use.
A) Multi part lingualism
B) Polyglossia
C) Omnilingualism
  • 2. This refers to equal or near-equal use of languages.
A) Polyglossia
B) Omnilingualism
C) Multipart lingualism
  • 3. This refers to the side by side existence of multiple languages whose speakers represent distinct populations.
A) Polyglossia
B) Multipart lingualism
C) Omnilingualism
  • 4. common behavior of people who live in multilingual societies.
A) Borrowing
B) Code switching
  • 5. refers to the use of individual words originating from another language.
A) Borrowing
B) Code switching
  • 6. What right of a teacher upholds his freedom to discuss topics within his field of expertise without fear of being persecuted?
A) Freedom of speech
B) Right to suffrage
C) Right to grow professionally
D) Academic freedom
  • 7. Among thinking skills in learning, what includes fluent, flexible, original and elaborate thinking?
A) Problem solving
B) Critical thinking
C) Convergent thinking
D) Divergent thinking
  • 8. Which is the most recent concept in the field of education which concerns the whole world?
A) The global education
B) Technology education
C) School of the future
D) Values regeneration
  • 9. Mr. Lorenzo would always give the chapter test on a Friday. What schedule of reinforcement is used by Mr. Lorenzo?
A) Fixed interval
B) Variable ratio
C) Fixed ratio
D) Variable interval
  • 10. The most important criteria for an effective and efficient curriculum.
A) Teaching strategies
B) Implementing rules
C) Relevant activity
D) Clear objective & consistency
  • 11. Which order consists of the goal-oriented instructional model?
A) Pre-assessment, specification of objectives, evaluation, instruction
B) Specification of objectives, pre-assessment, instruction, evaluation
C) Pre-assessment, specification of objectives, instruction, evaluation
D) Specification of objectives, evaluation, pre-assessment, instruction
  • 12. Categorizing individuals into age groups for comparison.
A) Age grading
B) Professional continuum
C) Economic continuum
  • 13. Progression of skills and knowledge in a career. Influences vocabulary, communication style, technical language, etc.
A) Authority continuum
B) Economic continuum
C) Professional continuum
  • 14. Directly influences language through vocabulary, education access, communication styles, etc.
A) Economic continuum
B) Professional continuum
C) Authority continuum
  • 15. Impact on language through vocabulary, tone, communication dynamics, etc. Individuals with higher authority shape language norms and standards.
A) Authority continuum
B) Social status
C) Religious structure
  • 16. Influences language through language variation, perceived prestige of languages, access to resources, etc. Shapes language attitudes and preferences.
A) Religious structures
B) Social status
C) Authority continuum
  • 17. Influences language through specialized terminology, communication styles, rituals, etc. unities have unique cultural norms and values that affect language use.
A) Age grading
B) Professional continuum
C) Religious structures
  • 18. Literal definition
A) Denotative
B) Conotative
  • 19. subjective and emotional
A) Connotative
B) Denotative
  • 20. This term refers to the influence or impact of one language on the learning, comprehension, or usage of another language, particularly in context
A) Indigenous language
B) Minority language
C) Cross linguistic transfer
  • 21. The entitlement of individuals or communities to use, preserve, and promote their language(s) without discrimination, as recognized by international human rights instruments.
A) Language shift
B) Language maintenance
C) Language rights
  • 22. The gradual replacement of one language by another, typically due to social, economic, or political factors.
A) Language contacts
B) Language shift
C) Language vitality
  • 23. The interaction between languages through language borrowing, code-switching, or language convergence, often occurring in multilingual societies.
A) Language contacts
B) Language maintenance
C) Language shift
  • 24. What makes an objective useful
A) Being flexible
B) Being precise
C) Being generalized
  • 25. What should objective describe
A) Activities to be done
B) Unrelated goals
C) Outcomes that ate unattainable
  • 26. In what year was executive order no. 335 signed
A) 1998
B) 1973
C) 1999
  • 27. Executive order no. 335 aimed to promote the use of Filipino in
A) Government offices
B) Religious ceremonies
C) Educational institutions
  • 28. When was the Philippines bilingual education policy first implemented
A) 1987
B) 1973
C) 1974
  • 29. On what date was executive no.335 signed
A) June 4, 1998
B) August 25, 1988
C) August 28, 1978
  • 30. Who signed executive no.335?
A) Corazon aquino
B) Gloria macapagal arroyo
C) Ferdinand marcos
  • 31. Which dept is responsible for implementing the language policy in collaboration with other organizations
  • 32. What is the responsibility of tertiary level institutions regarding Filipino
A) Exclusion
B) Intellectualization
C) Standardization
  • 33. Which orgz is tasked with the further devt & enrichment of Filipino
  • 34. Which executive order mandated the use of Filipino in official government offices
A) Executive order no 25
B) Executive order no 335
C) Executive order no 52
  • 35. Who is responsible for providing the means to implement the language policy
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