Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • 1. What is Nathaniel Hawthorne most famous for writing?
A) Moby Dick
B) Frankenstein
C) The Scarlet Letter
D) Huckleberry Finn
  • 2. In which century did Nathaniel Hawthorne live?
A) 20th century
B) 17th century
C) 18th century
D) 19th century
  • 3. Where was Nathaniel Hawthorne born?
A) New York City, New York
B) Salem, Massachusetts
C) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
D) Boston, Massachusetts
  • 4. What is the title of Hawthorne's collection of short stories published in 1837?
A) Grimm's Fairy Tales
B) The Canterbury Tales
C) Twice-Told Tales
D) Aesop's Fables
  • 5. Which U.S. president was Nathaniel Hawthorne friends with?
A) Franklin Pierce
B) John F. Kennedy
C) Thomas Jefferson
D) Abraham Lincoln
  • 6. What is the setting of Hawthorne's novel 'The Blithedale Romance'?
A) Outer space
B) A pirate ship
C) A utopian community
D) A medieval castle
  • 7. What is the name of the character who is the minister in 'The Scarlet Letter'?
A) Hester Prynne
B) Arthur Dimmesdale
C) Roger Chillingworth
D) Pearl
  • 8. What does the letter 'A' represent in 'The Scarlet Letter'?
A) Atonement
B) Adventure
C) Adultery
D) Angel
  • 9. What is the name of the character in 'The Minister's Black Veil' who wears a black veil as penance?
A) Roger Chillingworth
B) Reverend Hooper
C) Young Goodman Brown
D) Goodman Brown
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