• 1. 1. During world war I and II, the use of injectable morphine to ease the pain of battle casualties was so extensive that morphine addiction among veterans came to be known as
A) Maritime disease
B) Solitier disease
C) Disease
D) Soldiers disease
  • 2. 2. Composed of three countries namely: Burma/Myanmar, Laos, and thailand
A) Golden Crescent
B) Golden rule
C) Fruit of poisonous tree
D) Golden Triangle
  • 3. 3. Which is composed of: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.
A) Fruit of poisonous tree
B) Golden Rule
C) Golden Triangle
D) Golden Crescent
  • 4. 5. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu) came from?
A) Hemp plant
B) Ephedrine
C) Epedy
D) Cannabis
  • 5. 6. Golden triangle. Produced 60% opium in the word and 90% of opium in the eastern part of Asia. It is also the officially acknowledge source of southeast Asian Heroin.
A) Southeast Asia
B) North
C) None
D) Southwest Asia
  • 6. 7.Golden crescent. Major supplier of opium puppy, marijuana, and heroin. Produced at least 85% to 90% of all illicit heroin channel in the drug underworld market.
A) Southwest Asia
B) Southeast Asia
C) None
D) North
  • 7. 8. Otherwise known as the comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
A) RA 7162
B) RA 9165
C) RA 1131
D) RA 9344
  • 8. 9. Repealed and replaced the existing drug law, Ra 6425 otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972.
A) RA 1131
B) RA 9355
C) RA 5344
D) RA 9165
  • 9. 10. Defined as any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness or corruption.
A) Illegal conduct
B) Illicit drug
C) Gambling
D) Vice
  • 10. 11. Is a learning process that influences an individual emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, and socially and may result in the modification of attitudes that influences behaviour.
A) Drug User
B) Drug abuse
C) Abuser
D) Drug Education
  • 11. 12. Relics from 3500 BC depict the use of opium in religious rituals.
A) Asia
B) Europe
C) Western countries
D) Egyptian
  • 12. 13. Were known to have used cocaine for at least 5000 years ago.
A) Incas of north america
B) Incas of south America
C) Egyptian
D) European
  • 13. 14. Marijuana and hashis are derived from?
A) Shabu
B) Morphine
C) Cannabis/hemplant
D) Heroine
  • 14. 15. Morphine came from?
A) Opium puppy
B) Heroine
C) Shabu
D) Coca
  • 15. 16. Heroine came from?
A) Cocaine
B) Coca
C) Morphine
D) Shabu
  • 16. 17. Cocaine came from?
A) Coca leaf
B) Cocaine
C) Heroine
D) Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
  • 17. 18. The Becka Valley of Lebanon is considered to be the biggest producer of cannabis in the Middle east. Lebanon has also became the transit country for cocaine from south America to European illicit drug market.
A) Middle east
B) West
C) South
D) North east
  • 18. 19. Is known as the major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe, and became the " Paradise of drug users" in Europe.
A) Spain
B) Mexico
C) Philippines
D) China
  • 19. 20. Columbia , Peru, Uruguay, and Panama. Are the principal sources of all cocaine supply in the world due to the robust production of coca plants.
A) South africa
B) Middle east
C) Mexico
D) South America
  • 20. 21. Known in the world to be the number one producer of " Marijuana".
A) Philippines
B) Mexico
C) Hongkong
D) Spain
  • 21. 22. Is the second to mexico as to the production of Marijuana. It also became the major transshipment point for the worldwide distribution of illegal drugs particularly "shabu" and "cocaine" from Taiwan and south America. It noted that Philippines today is known as the drug paradise of drug abusers in Asia.
A) Spain
B) Mexico
C) Taiwan
D) Philippines
  • 22. 23. Known as the center of the world's drug map, leading to the rapid drug Addiction among its people.
A) Hongkong
B) Japan
C) Indonesia
D) India
  • 23. 24. North Sumatra has traditionally been the main cannabis growing area. Is an important transit point for drugs in route to Australia and New Zealand.
A) Philippines
B) Uruguay
C) Mexico
D) Indonesia
  • 24. 25. These countries are known to be the most favorable sites of drug distribution from the "Golden Triangle" and other parts of Asia.
A) Spain
B) Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand
C) China
D) Japan
  • 25. 26. Is the transit route for heroin from the "Golden Triangle" to Hong Kong. It is also the country where the "Epedra plant" is cultivated source of drug "Ephedrine" which is the principal chemical for producing Methamphetamine Hydrochloride(shabu).
A) Hongkong
B) China
C) Japan
D) Mexico
  • 26. 27. Is known as the world's transshipment point of all forms of "heroin".
A) China
B) Japan
C) Hong kong
D) Korea
  • 27. 28. Became the major consumer of cocaine and shabu from the United States and Europe.
A) Japan
B) Philippines
C) Myanmar
D) China
  • 28. 29. Was founded during 1980.
A) Chinese triad
B) Cali cartel
C) Vices
D) Columbian Medellin Cartel
  • 29. 30. Founded the Columbian Medellin Cartel by?
A) Jose givarra
B) Pablo escobar
C) Pablo Escobar Gaviria
D) Jose gonzalo
  • 30. 31. 3 Chinese concepts?
A) Fire, water, soil
B) Heaven, earth, man
C) Wind, fire, water
D) Earth, human, heaven
  • 31. 32. Also referred to as "black societies"
A) Chinese triad
B) Vice
C) None
D) Black market
  • 32. 33. It is believed to be the controller of the Golden Triangle.
A) Crescent
B) Vice
C) Black market
D) Chinese Triad
  • 33. 34. Is the oldest and biggest criminal organization in the world.
A) Chinese mafia
B) Chinese group
C) Gang
D) Mafia
  • 34. 35. Chinese Triad Also called?
A) Chinese Mafia
B) Mafia
C) Chinese boss
D) Gang
  • 35. 36. Better known as " Don Chepe " the " Chinese Player " heads the syndicated organization.
A) Jose gonzalo
B) Pablo Escobar Gaviria
C) Gilberto Rodriguez Orajuela
D) Chepe
  • 36. 37. The newly emerged cocaine monopoly.
A) Black market
B) Cali cartel
C) Cartel
D) Columbian Medellin Cartel
  • 37. 38. The downfall of the Columbian Medellin Cartel is the rise of ?
A) Cartel
B) Black market
C) Cali cartel
D) Columbian Medellin Cartel
  • 38. 39. refers to any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness or corruption.
A) Vice
B) Abuse
C) Drug abuser
D) Drug addiction
  • 39. 40. It's even been celebrated in song.
A) Smoking
B) Cigarette
C) Coffee
D) Smoke
  • 40. 41. first arrived in Europe via Italy. It was this very setting that inspired Johann Sebastian Bach to compose his satirical cantata "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht," better known as the "Coffee Cantata.
A) Caffeine
B) Coffee
C) Drink
D) Liqour
  • 41. 42. is another one of those vices that is, depending on who you talk to, variously seen as a recreation, an outright sin, or a distraction falling somewhere in between the two.
A) Vice
B) Gambling
C) Illicit
D) Drugs
  • 42. 43. the act or activity of betting money, for example in card games or on horse racing. is a game or scheme wherein the result of which depends wholly or chiefly upon chance or hazard.
A) Drugs
B) Vice
C) Illicit
D) Gambling
  • 43. 44. Is the uncertainty of the result of the game when the outcome of the game is incapable of calculation by human reason, foresight, capacity or design.
A) Risk
B) Chance of hazard
C) Dangerous
D) Forbidden
  • 44. 45. Wine and spirits have been the libations of choice for many a reveler, and _____to excess, par for the course. Countless numbers of songs and dramas have marked such excess from the middle ages through the present day.
A) Liqour
B) Water
C) Wine
D) Drinking
  • 45. 46. Is one of the oldest intoxicants known to man. It is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented. Ever since, there has been a continuous effect, everywhere, to control its consumption because of its devastating effects on human life. Many countries all over the world have tried prohibition ban with little success.
A) Alcohol
B) Wine
C) Liqour
D) Drinking
  • 46. 47. is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into alcohol. Fermentation is used to produce many necessary items.
A) Wine
B) Liqour
C) Fermentation
D) Drinking
  • 47. 48. refers to the state or condition of a person produced by drinking intoxicating liquors excessively and with habitual frequency.
A) Alcoholic
B) Alcoholism
C) Alcohol
D) Drinking
  • 48. 49. refers to a person who, from the prolonged and excessive use of alcoholic beverages, finally develops physical and psychological changes and dependence on alcohol.
A) Alcoholism
B) Liqour
C) Alcoholic
D) Alcohol
  • 49. 50. an act or practice of a woman who engages or habitually indulged in sexual intercourse for money or profit.
A) Prostitute
B) None
C) Prostitution
D) Human traffickers
  • 50. 51. is any woman who engages herself in indiscriminate sexual intercourse or acts with males for hire.
A) Prostitution
B) Prostitute
C) Human traffickers
D) All of these
  • 51. 52. This is a part-time prostitute who have her own legitimate work or profession, but works as prostitute to augment her income.
A) Door knocker
B) Hustler
C) Factory girl
D) Call girl
  • 52. 53. This is a professional type of prostitute who works at a bar or tavern. She is also a pick-up girl or a street-walker.
A) Call girl
B) Hustler
C) Door knocker
D) Factory girl
  • 53. 54. This is an occasional or selective type of prostitute who is usually a new comer in the business.
A) Hustler
B) Door knocker
C) Factory girl
D) Call girl
  • 54. 55. This type of prostitute is the real professional type who works in regular house of prostitution.
A) Factory girl
B) Door knocker
C) Call girl
D) Hustler
  • 55. 56. It is the name often used for all types of prostitute.
A) Call girl
B) Whore/knocker
C) White slavery
D) Pimp
  • 56. 57. One who provides gratification for the lust of others.
A) Hustler
B) Pimp
C) Prostitute
D) Whore/Knocker
  • 57. 58. The procurement and transportation of women across satellite for immoral purpose.
A) White slavery
B) Human trafficking
C) Slavery
D) Debt bondage
  • 58. 59. is a chemical substance that brings about physical, physiological, behavioral and/or psychological change in a person taking it.
A) Drug
B) Shabu
C) Cocaine
D) Heroine
  • 59. 60. are plant substance that have drug effects whose use is not generally regulated by the law. These substances require little processing after the plants are gathered. These drugs may be grown locally.
A) Herbal drugs
B) Unrecognized drugs
C) Prescription drugs
D) Illicit drugs
  • 60. 61. are commercially produced drugs that may be purchased legally without prescription. These drugs are also known as "propriety drugs".
A) Illicit drugs
B) Over the counter drugs
C) Unrecognized drugs
D) Tobacco
  • 61. 62. commercially produced drugs that can be legally sold or dispensed only by a physician or on a physician's order. They are like over-the-counter drugs in that they are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, but they differ, in that the decision to use drugs is legally vested in a licensed physician not in the user.
A) Unrecognized drugs
B) Tobbaco
C) Prescription drugs
D) Illicit drugs
  • 62. 63. commercial products that have a psychoactive drug effects but are not usually considered drugs. These substances are not generally regulated by law except in so far as standards of sanitation and purity is required.
A) Unrecognized drugs
B) Prescription drugs
C) Herbal drugs
D) Over the counter drugs
  • 63. 64. drugs whose sale, purchase or use is generally prohibited by law. Criminal penalties usually apply to violators of these laws.
A) Illicit drugs
B) Herbal drugs
C) Unrecognized drugs
D) Synthetic drugs
  • 64. 65. is not generally considered a drug, thus, may be classified as an unrecognized drug. However holds such a distinct position in terms of usage patterns, economic importance, and health consequences that it merits a category to itself.
A) Unrecognized drugs
B) Tobacco
C) Over the counter drugs
D) Illicit drugs
  • 65. 66. may be included in the unrecognized drugs, alcohol in forms such as beer wine, and distilled liquor is one of the most widely used drugs in our society. It is regarded by many experts as the most commonly abused drug in our society.
A) Alcohol
B) Liqour
C) Beverages
D) Drinking
  • 66. 67. All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicinal drug.
A) Chemical
B) Medicine
C) Medicine vs drugs
D) Drugs
  • 67. 68. A substance which when taken into the human body cures illness and/or relieves signs/symptoms of disease.
A) Medicinal drugs
B) Drug abuse
C) Chemical drugs
D) Dangerous drugs
  • 68. 69. Is a substance affecting the central nervous system which when taken into the human body brings about physical, emotional or behavioral changes in a person taking it.
A) Chemical drugs
B) Medicinal drugs
C) Drug abuse
D) Dangerous drugs
  • 69. 70. may refer to any non-medical use of drugs that cause physical, psychological, legal, economic, or social damage to the user or to people affected by the user's behavior. usually refers to illegal drugs but may also be applicable to drugs that are available legally, such as prescribed medications and certain over-the-counter medications.
A) Drug abuse
B) Drug addiction
C) Dangerous drugs
D) Medicinal drugs
  • 70. 71. The comprehensive dangerous Drug act of 2002 Is the law to strengthen anti-drug abuse.
A) False
B) True
  • 71. 72. What country in south America was known to have used cocaine for at least 5000 years ago.
A) Uruguay
B) Panama
C) Incas
D) Columbia
  • 72. 73. The old law to control illicit drugs is RA 6425, also known as the comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 1972.
A) False
B) True
  • 73. 74. What does DDB mean in connection to RA 9165?
A) Dangerous Drug Board
B) Disastrous Drug Band
C) Dangerous Drug Band
D) Disastrous Drug Board
  • 74. 75. Egyptian relics from 3500 B.C depict the use of opium in____.
A) Stimulant
B) Analgesic
C) Religious rituals
D) Painkiller
  • 75. 76. It involves the formal mechanism of presenting information, and includes a series of experiences and influences that help shape the learning environment.
A) Gambling
B) Drug education
C) Vice
D) Trafficking
  • 76. 77. Egyptian reference work listed opium as a painkiller.
A) False
B) True
  • 77. 78. The RA 6435 is repealed by the RA 9165.
A) True
B) False
  • 78. 79. It is defined as any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness, or corruption.
A) Trafficking
B) Gambling
C) Drugs
D) Vice
  • 79. 80. RA 9165, is also known as;
A) Illegal Drug Act of 1972
B) Regulated Drug Act of 2002
C) Comprehensive Dangerous Drug act of 2002
D) Dangerous Drug Act of 1972
  • 80. 81. Drug Trafficking is a national issue or problem in a few countries.
A) True
B) False
  • 81. 82. the following are derivatives of opium poppy, except one.
A) Cocaine
B) Heroine
C) Morphine
D) Codeine
  • 82. 83. cocaine was isolated from coca leaf, and some companies used this in their product, the most famous of all is coca-cola, which was made until what year?
A) 1803
B) 1830
C) 1903
D) 1930
  • 83. 84. plants that have a scientific name Papaver somniferum.
A) Codeine
B) Morphine
C) Cocaine
D) Opium
  • 84. 85. what is the new opiate was produced by the Bayer drug company to substitute morphine and codeine?
A) Shabu
B) Opium
C) Cocaine
D) Heroine
  • 85. 86. it is an ingredient of some cough syrup.
A) Opium
B) Morphine
C) Codeine
D) Heroine
  • 86. 87. the addiction of the veteran soldier during world war 1 and 2 is known as_____.
A) Illicit soldiers
B) Soldiers disease
C) Winter soldier
D) Soldier vices
  • 87. 88. the following countries belong to the said golden triangle, except one.
A) Thailand
B) Laos
C) Pakistan
D) Myanmar
  • 88. 89. it is a type of drug used by veterans during world war 1 and 2 and causes addiction among them.
A) Heroine
B) Cocaine
C) Morphine
D) Shabu
  • 89. 90. the hemp plant is also known as___.
A) Hashish
B) Morphine
C) Heroine
D) Cannabis
  • 90. 91. They are the top aid cocaine barons of Columbian Medellin Cartel.
A) Rodriguez Gacha Brothers
B) Juan David Ochoa Brothers
C) Jose Gonzalo Brothers
D) Rodriguez Orajuela Brothers
  • 91. 92. It is the oldest and biggest criminal organization in the world.
A) Yakuza
B) Chinese mafia
C) Medellin cartel
D) Cali cartel
  • 92. 93. This organized crime group is also referred to as the "black societies".
A) Golden Crescent
B) Cali cartel
C) Chinese Triad
D) Medellin cartel
  • 93. 94. It is believed to be the controller of the Golden Triangle with an international connection to drug trafficking.
A) Golden Crescent
B) Cali cartel
C) Chinese Triad
D) Medellin cartel
  • 94. 95. They called themselves Triads because of the highly ritualistic use of numerology - a belief in the magical significance of numbers.
A) Golden triangle
B) Cali cartel
C) Medellin cartel
D) Chinese mafia
  • 95. 96. Founded during the 1980s by Columbian drug lords in the name of Pablo Escobar Gaviria and other drug bosses.
A) Chinese Triad
B) Medellin cartel
C) Golden Crescent
D) Cali cartel
  • 96. 97. The Epedra plants are the source of Ephedrine which is the principal chemical for cocaine.
A) False
B) True
  • 97. 98. Better known as "Don Chepe" - heads of the syndicated organization. Under him, the Cali Cartel was considered the most powerful criminal organization in the world.
A) Pablo Escobar Gaviria
B) Gilberto Rodriguez Orajuela
C) Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha
D) Juan David Ochoa
  • 98. 99. It is the transit route for the heroin from the Golden Triangle to Hong Kong.
A) China
B) Japan
C) Thailand
D) Indonesia
  • 99. 100. It is the country where the Epedra plants are cultivated.
A) China
B) North Sumatra
C) Vika Valley
D) Bali indonesia
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