OGT Math Vocabulary
__1. DiameterA. The chance that an outcome will occur
__2. HexagonB. A map that constructs a 3-dimensional object
__3. NetC. A solid whose sides meet at a common point
__4. ParallelogramD. A quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel
__5. PrismE. A six sided polygon
__6. ProbabilityF. The distance across a circle through the center
__7. ProportionalG. Moving points of a polygon the same distance and direction
__8. PyramidH. a solid whose bases and sides are parallelograms
__9. SimilarI. Having the same ratio of relation
__10. TranslationJ. Polygons having the same shape, but of different sizes
__11. AcuteA. A series of numbers
__12. ObtuseB. Distance from the center of a circle to a point on a circle
__13. PerimeterC. A mirror image of a graph across a certain line
__14. PerpendicularD. The study of triangles
__15. RadiusE. The corners of a polygon
__16. ReflectionF. The distance around a polygon
__17. RightG. The lines intersecting at right angles
__18. SequenceH. An angle greater than 90 degrees
__19. TrigonometryI. An angle less than 90 degrees
__20. VerticesJ. An angle equal to 90 degrees
__21. EquilateralA. A triangle whose sides are all different lengths
__22. EvaluateB. A triangle that has two sides of equal length
__23. FunctionC. The sum of the areas of all surfaces of a 3D object
__24. IsocelesD. The result of rotation, reflecting, or translating an object
__25. RationalE. A triangle whose sides are all the same length
__26. RelationF. A set of ordered pairs
__27. ScaleneG. A relation in which every x value matches only one y value
__28. SolveH. Simplifying an expression
__29. Surface AreaI. A number that can be expressed as a fraction
__30. TransformationJ. Find a solution
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