The vision of the Rutherford County School System is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to become lifelong learners who can adapt to meet the challenges of the future. The Rutherford County School System will advance and support an environment which maximizes the integration and use of technology by students and staff, thereby extending their potential Technology Mission Statement Rutherford County Schools who can adapt to meet the challenges of the future. ? The Rutherford County School System will advance and support an environment which maximizesthe integration and use of technology by students and staff,thereby extending their potential to adapt, manage, and participate in a technological world. The vision of the Rutherford County School System ? is to provide students with the knowledge and skills ? Technology Mission Statement to become lifelong learners ? Rutherford County Schools who can adapt to meet the challenges of the future. The Rutherford County School System will advance and support an environment which maximizesthe integration and use of technology by students and staff,thereby extending their potential to adapt, manage, and participate in a technological world. The vision of the Rutherford County School System is to provide students with the knowledge and skills Technology Mission Statement to become lifelong learners Rutherford County Schools The Rutherford County School System will advance and support ? who can adapt to meet the challenges of the future. The vision of the Rutherford County School System the integration and use of technology by students and staff, ? is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to adapt, manage, and participate in a technological world. ? Technology Mission Statement to become lifelong learners Rutherford County Schools thereby extending their potential ? an environment which maximizes ? The vision of the Rutherford County School Systemis to provide students with the knowledge and skills to become lifelong learnerswho can adapt to meet the challenges of the future.The Rutherford County School System will advance and support an environment which maximizesthe integration and use of technology by students and staff,thereby extending their potential to adapt, manage, and participate in a technological world. Technology Mission Statement Rutherford County Schools The Rutherford County School System will advance and support ? who can adapt to meet the challenges of the future. ? The vision of the Rutherford County School System ? the integration and use of technology by students and staff, ? is to provide students with the knowledge and skills ? to adapt, manage, and participate in a technological world. ? Technology Mission Statement ? to become lifelong learners ? Rutherford County Schools ? thereby extending their potential ? an environment which maximizes ? The vision of the Rutherford County School Systemis to provide students with the knowledge and skills to become lifelong learnerswho can adapt to meet the challenges of the future.The Rutherford County School System will advance and support an environment which maximizesthe integration and use of technology by students and staff,thereby extending their potential to adapt, manage, and participate in a technological world. Technology Mission Statement Rutherford County Schools The Rutherford County School System ? an environment ? The vision ? is to provide students ? and use ? thereby ? and skills ? who can ? manage, ? Technology Mission Statement ? adapt to meet ? of technology ? extending their potential ? Rutherford County Schools ? to become ? of the Rutherford County ? and participate ? which maximizes ? lifelong ? with the knowledge ? by students and staff, ? the challenges ? learners ? the integration ? to adapt, ? School System ? will advance ? of the future. ? and support ? |