- 1. Prince Caspian is the second book published in C. S. Lewis's beloved Chronicles of Narnia series, first released in 1951. The story follows the four Pevensie siblings—Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy—who are drawn back to Narnia, a fantastical land filled with talking animals, mythical creatures, and ancient magic, through a magical train station. They find that many years have passed since they last visited, and Narnia is now under the oppressive rule of King Miraz, who has overthrown the rightful heir, Prince Caspian. The Pevensies join forces with Caspian, a young Telmarine prince raised in the ways of his usurping people but destined to reclaim his true legacy. Together, they embark on a heroic quest to unite the Old Narnians—who have been driven into hiding—against Miraz's tyranny, encountering challenges that test their courage, loyalty, and faith. Themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the struggle between good and evil permeate the narrative, alongside Lewis’s rich allegorical elements. Ultimately, 'Prince Caspian' is a profound exploration of the struggle for identity and rightful kingship, emphasizing the importance of believing in magic and the power of friendship, all against the backdrop of Narnia's enchanting yet perilous world.
Who is the rightful heir to the throne of Narnia?
A) Edmund Pevensie B) Prince Caspian C) King Miraz D) Peter Pevensie
- 2. What type of animal is Aslan?
A) Lion B) Tiger C) Bear D) Wolf
- 3. Who is the eldest of the Pevensie siblings?
A) Lucy B) Edmund C) Peter D) Susan
- 4. What is the name of the badger who helps Caspian?
A) Slink B) Badgerclaw C) Trufflehunter D) Prowl
- 5. In the end, who becomes the new king of Narnia?
A) Miraz B) Peter C) Edmund D) Caspian
- 6. What is the name of Caspian's loyal mouse companion?
A) Tumnus B) Puddleglum C) Reepicheep D) Queenie
- 7. Who originally helped Caspian escape from Miraz's castle?
A) Doctor Cornelius B) Trumpkin C) Aslan D) The wolf
- 8. What do the Old Narnians fight for?
A) Their freedom B) To find Aslan C) A prophecy D) A treasure