The Roman Republic
  • 1. Who were the two brothers who were said to have founded Rome?
A) Nero and Caligula
B) Caesar and Augustus
C) Seneca and Cicero
D) Romulus and Remus
  • 2. Which group made up the ruling class of the Roman Republic?
A) Barbarians
B) Slaves
C) Patricians
D) Plebeians
  • 3. Which general crossed the Rubicon River, leading to the eventual downfall of the Roman Republic?
A) Pompey
B) Julius Caesar
C) Mark Antony
D) Octavian
  • 4. What term was used to describe the poor and working-class citizens of Rome?
A) Patricians
B) Equites
C) Optimates
D) Plebeians
  • 5. Who was the famous Carthaginian general who crossed the Alps to attack Rome during the Second Punic War?
A) Hannibal
B) Spartacus
C) Tiberius Gracchus
D) Scipio Africanus
  • 6. Which event marked the official end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire?
A) The construction of the Colosseum
B) The sack of Rome
C) The Ides of March
D) The Battle of Actium
  • 7. What military formation did the Roman legions use in battle?
A) The Phalanx
B) The Catapult
C) The Testudo
D) The Shield Wall
  • 8. Who was known as the 'father of Roman literature' and wrote the Aeneid?
A) Virgil
B) Seneca
C) Ovid
D) Cicero
  • 9. Who formed the First Triumvirate with Julius Caesar?
A) Crassus and Pompey
B) Antony and Cleopatra
C) Mark Antony and Lepidus
D) Octavian and Cicero
  • 10. What was the preferred form of government in ancient Rome?
A) Dictatorship
B) Republic
C) Monarchy
D) Oligarchy
  • 11. What was the name of the wealthy general and politician who funded public projects in Rome?
A) Cato
B) Cicero
C) Pompey
D) Crassus
  • 12. In what year was the Roman Republic officially established?
A) 476 AD
B) 753 BC
C) 27 BC
D) 509 BC
  • 13. Who was the leader of the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar?
A) Brutus
B) Mark Antony
C) Cassius
D) Octavian
  • 14. Which Roman philosopher and statesman was known for his oratory skills and philosophical works?
A) Cicero
B) Pliny the Elder
C) Virgil
D) Seneca
  • 15. Who was the first emperor of Rome, ending the Roman Republic?
A) Augustus
B) Tiberius
C) Claudius
D) Caligula
  • 16. What was the name of the governing body of ancient Rome, originally composed only of aristocrats?
A) Forum
B) Senate
C) Council
D) Assembly
  • 17. What was the name of the common currency used in the Roman Republic?
A) Denarius
B) As
C) Sestertius
D) Aureus
  • 18. Which region was Rome's primary military rival during the Punic Wars?
A) Greece
B) Carthage
C) Egypt
D) Gaul
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