Portugal overthrows dictatorship - António de Spinola President
  • 1. When did Portugal overthrow the dictatorship?
A) 1968
B) 1974
C) 1990
D) 1982
  • 2. Who succeeded António de Spinola as President of Portugal following the overthrow of the dictatorship?
A) Francisco da Costa Gomes
B) José Manuel Barroso
C) Aníbal Cavaco Silva
D) Jorge Sampaio
  • 3. What color flower symbolized the peaceful nature of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal?
A) Pink
B) Yellow
C) Red
D) White
  • 4. Which European country supported the overthrow of the dictatorship in Portugal?
A) Austria
B) Switzerland
C) France
D) Germany
  • 5. Which African country's independence was influenced by the events in Portugal during the overthrow of the dictatorship?
A) Kenya
B) Angola
C) Nigeria
D) Egypt
  • 6. Which country closely monitored the developments in Portugal during the overthrow of the dictatorship due to its own political situation?
A) Sweden
B) Greece
C) Spain
D) Czechoslovakia
  • 7. Who was the leader of the Communist Party of Portugal during the overthrow of the dictatorship?
A) Pedro Passos Coelho
B) Álvaro Cunhal
C) António Guterres
D) Jorge Sampaio
  • 8. What was the role of women during the Carnation Revolution in Portugal?
A) Active participation in protests
B) Boycotting elections
C) Seeking international aid
D) Supporting the dictatorship
  • 9. Which form of government did Portugal overthrow in 1974?
A) Dictatorship
B) Monarchy
C) Socialist
D) Anarchy
  • 10. What was the name of the movement that led the overthrow of dictatorship in Portugal?
A) Carnation Revolution
B) Black Orchid Uprising
C) Golden Lily Rebellion
D) Silver Rose Uprising
  • 11. What was the role of António de Spinola before becoming President of Portugal?
A) Engineer
B) Teacher
C) Military Officer
D) Banker
  • 12. What was the capital of Portugal during the overthrow of dictatorship?
A) Barcelona
B) Madrid
C) Rome
D) Lisbon
  • 13. Which historical figure is associated with the Age of Discoveries in Portuguese history?
A) Joan of Arc
B) Napoleon Bonaparte
C) Prince Henry the Navigator
D) William Wallace
  • 14. Which river runs through the city of Porto in Portugal?
A) Seine
B) Danube
C) Douro
D) Thames
  • 15. What is the traditional Portuguese folk music called?
A) Samba
B) Tango
C) Fado
D) Flamenco
  • 16. Which ocean borders Portugal to the west?
A) Indian
B) Atlantic
C) Arctic
D) Pacific
  • 17. Which Portuguese explorer is credited with the first circumnavigation of the globe?
A) Vasco da Gama
B) Ferdinand Magellan
C) Amerigo Vespucci
D) Christopher Columbus
  • 18. What is the currency of Portugal?
A) Euro
B) Yen
C) Dollar
D) Pound
  • 19. Who is the famous Portuguese footballer known as 'CR7'?
A) Rui Costa
B) Luis Figo
C) Cristiano Ronaldo
D) Eusébio
  • 20. Which Portuguese island group is known for its lush green landscape and volcanic activity?
A) Canary Islands
B) Balearic Islands
C) Seychelles
D) Azores
  • 21. In what year did Portugal join the European Union?
A) 1995
B) 2004
C) 1973
D) 1986
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