JS 3 CCA 3rdTest
  • 1. Rural communities problems are all except
A) Worst power supply
B) Presence of modern amenities
C) Illiteracy
D) Poverty
  • 2. Drama teaches all except
A) Tolerance
B) Selfishness
C) Hard work
D) Honesty
  • 3. _ is an act of combining sound in a manner that is agreeable to our hearing
A) Noise
B) Music
C) Dance
D) Sound
  • 4. Music is used to _
A) Shout
B) Play
C) Disturb
D) Advertise
  • 5. Prof Akinola Lasekan was born in _ and died in _
A) 1920,1972
B) 1916,1979
C) 1920,1979
D) 1916,1972
  • 6. Prof Akintola Lakeland is a native of _
A) Oree, Osun state
B) Igboora, Oyo state
C) Badagri, Lagos state
D) Owo, Ondo state
  • 7. Chief Ara Onabolu was a _
A) Sculptor
B) Painter
C) Cartoonist
D) Carver
  • 8. One of this is not a Nigerian contemporary artist
A) Grillo Yusuf
B) Uche Okeke
C) Ben Anyawu
D) Laminitis Fakeye
  • 9. Prof Wole Soyinka is a _
A) Playwright
B) Politician
C) Cartoonist
D) Comedian
  • 10. _ is the public display of visual creature artwork
A) Creativity
B) Exhibition
C) Communication
D) Advertising
  • 11. Mounting means _
A) Adding title to an artwork
B) Fixing a picture, painting and drawing to a larger piece of stiff paper
C) Placing a transparent glass on artwork
D) Placing the artwork under a white paper
  • 12. _ is a stand on which all exhibits are hung for display
A) Show glass
B) Cupboard
C) Stand board
D) Black board
  • 13. Artwork can be marketed in all except
A) Mosque
B) Festive fairs
C) Airport
D) Shops
  • 14. In categorizing artwork, all works for exhibition must
A) Be arranged in accordance with individual aspects
B) Look alike
C) Be covered with metal materials
D) Be put on one another
  • 15. Materials used for embroidery include all except
A) Starch
B) Needle
C) Scissors
D) Fabric
  • 16. Which one of these is not an impact of music?
A) Creating disunity in the country
B) Creating public awareness through mass media
C) Building relationships
D) Moulding and marring one’s life
  • 17. Which of these is not a function of music
A) For religious worship
B) Killing one’s idea
C) Adding life to an occasion
D) Celebrating cultural festivals
  • 18. _ is a skilled drama personnel who creatively writes plays
A) Poet
B) Playwright
C) Novelist
D) Journalist
  • 19. _ is a process of cultural colored or white paper into a window format and placing the artwork on it for better display
A) Fixing
B) Mounting
C) Labeling
D) Framing
  • 20. The process of sticking a piece of paper with details about the artwork and preparing for display is _
A) Mounting
B) Framing
C) Labeling
D) Fixing
  • 21. _ is an art form that tells a story through speeches and actions of the characters in the story
A) Drama
B) Dance
C) Theatre
D) Music
  • 22. Uses of embroidery are all except
A) To make logos
B) To write names
C) To create decorative designs
D) To damage a fabric
  • 23. Basic techniques of hand embroidery are all except
A) Running stitch
B) Falling stitch
C) Cross stitch
D) Split stitch
  • 24. Embroidery is made with _
A) Legs
B) Hands
C) Robot
  • 25. _ can be referred to as the reading and performing of a piece of music or song in music notation that the performer has not seen before
A) Rehearsal
B) Sight reading
C) Choreography
D) Singing
  • 26. One of the following is not a Nigerian contemporary artist
A) Shola Allyson
B) Uche Okeke
C) Jimoh Akoto
D) Ladi Kwali
  • 27. NOK culture was discovered in
A) Anambra
B) Oyo
C) Alaba
D) Kaduna
  • 28. NOK scriptural pieces are in _
A) Limestone
B) Gold
C) Silver
D) Terracotta
  • 29. The Nigerian art are all except
A) Owo art
B) Tsoede art
C) Argungu art
D) Benin Art
  • 30. The following words describe art except
A) As self expression
B) For cultural refinement
C) As a lazy man job or work
D) As craft and folk tradition
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