Srebrenica massacre
  • 1. The Srebrenica massacre, also known as the Srebrenica genocide, was the mass killing of more than 8,000 Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) men and boys in and around the town of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. The massacre, which took place in July 1995, was declared a genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice. It stands as one of the darkest chapters in the history of modern Europe, serving as a stark reminder of the horrors of war and the consequences of unchecked ethnic hatred and violence.

    Where did the Srebrenica massacre occur?
A) Bosnia and Herzegovina
B) Thailand
C) Turkey
D) Greece
  • 2. Which military force was responsible for the Srebrenica massacre?
A) Indian Army
B) Royal Canadian Mounted Police
C) Bosnian Serb Army
D) French Foreign Legion
  • 3. Which international organization failed to protect the civilians in Srebrenica despite being declared a 'safe area'?
A) Greenpeace
B) Amnesty International
C) World Health Organization
D) United Nations
  • 4. Who was the Bosnian Serb military leader responsible for the Srebrenica massacre?
A) Nelson Mandela
B) Winston Churchill
C) Barack Obama
D) Ratko Mladić
  • 5. What was the role of the Dutch peacekeepers in Srebrenica?
A) Failed to prevent the massacre
B) Provided medical aid to the victims
C) Negotiated a peaceful surrender
D) Started the massacre
  • 6. How is the Srebrenica massacre classified under international law?
A) Industrial accident
B) Natural disaster
C) Genocide
D) Political campaign
  • 7. Which country provided air support to evacuate civilians from Srebrenica during the massacre?
A) Netherlands
B) South Korea
C) Kenya
D) Brazil
  • 8. Who was the President of Serbia during the Srebrenica massacre?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Vladimir Putin
C) Slobodan Milošević
D) Queen Elizabeth II
  • 9. Which war was ongoing during the time of the Srebrenica massacre?
A) Bosnian War
B) World War II
C) Vietnam War
D) Cold War
  • 10. What was the response of the Dutch government to the failure of Dutch peacekeepers in Srebrenica?
A) Resignation of the government
B) Denial of the event
C) Promotion of the peacekeepers
D) Celebration of the event
  • 11. Who was the political leader of the Bosnian Serbs during the Srebrenica massacre?
A) Ratko Mladić
B) Radovan Karadžić
C) Slobodan Milošević
D) Alija Izetbegović
  • 12. Which international court tried the perpetrators of the Srebrenica massacre for war crimes?
A) International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
B) United Nations Security Council
C) The Hague Court of Human Rights
D) International Court of Justice
  • 13. Which country voted against declaring the Srebrenica massacre a genocide at the UN Security Council?
A) Russia
B) France
C) United Kingdom
D) United States
  • 14. Which country was Radovan Karadžić born in?
A) Bosnia and Herzegovina
B) Montenegro
C) Croatia
D) Serbia
  • 15. What was the occupation of Radovan Karadžić before becoming a political leader?
A) Lawyer
B) Journalist
C) Psychiatrist
D) Engineer
  • 16. The Srebrenica massacre is considered one of the most ____ atrocities in Europe since World War II.
A) Peaceful
B) Patriotic
C) Joyful
D) Horrific
  • 17. Which country provided logistical support to the Bosnian Serb Army during the Srebrenica massacre?
A) Turkey
B) Albania
C) Croatia
D) Serbia
  • 18. What military rank did Ratko Mladić hold during the Srebrenica massacre?
A) Colonel
B) Lieutenant
C) Major
D) General
  • 19. In which city did Radovan Karadžić hide for years before his arrest?
A) Sarajevo
B) Belgrade
C) Vienna
D) Dubrovnik
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