A) The Parable of the Good Samaritan. B) The Parable of the Talents. C) The Parable of the Sower. D) The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
A) Roman officials. B) Wealthy businessmen. C) Tax collectors and sinners. D) Pharisees and religious leaders.
A) The Gospel of Mark. B) The Gospel of Matthew. C) The Gospel of John. D) The Gospel of Luke.
A) He stayed at a distance. B) He touched the unclean and healed them. C) He rebuked them verbally. D) He washed his hands afterward.
A) Peter, the fisherman. B) Thomas, the doubter. C) Matthew, the tax collector. D) John, the beloved disciple.
A) He targeted the righteous. B) He sought only the faithful. C) He came to rescue sinners. D) He wanted to judge sin.
A) Keep the Sabbath holy. B) Love your neighbor as yourself. C) Honor your father and mother. D) Pray without ceasing.
A) Sermons. B) Prophecies. C) Parables. D) Psalms.
A) Judge of the wicked. B) King of the righteous. C) Prophet of doom. D) Friend of sinners. |