  • 1. is sometimes referred to as paranoia;
A) anxiety disorder
B) mood disorder
C) neurotic
D) mental disorder
E) Delusional disorder
  • 2. A person who needs to affirm his/her power will provoke a weaker other in order to escalate into a conflict he/she is confident he/she can win.
A) undoing
B) Provocation or Free-floating
C) Repression
D) Reaction Formation
E) Substitution
  • 3. coleciphobia
A) fear of snakes
B) fear of water
C) fear of worms
D) fear of frog
E) fear of mice
  • 4. It refers to the act of blaming a person or group of people for conditions not of their making.
A) Displaced Aggression
B) Scapegoating
C) Aggression
D) Escape
  • 5. refers to depression, usually accompanied by guilt, feelings of inferiority, and anxiety.
A) Schizophrenic Reaction
B) Obsessive-Compulsive Reaction
C) Phobic Reaction
D) Depressive Reaction
E) Manic-Depressive Reaction
  • 6. is a psychological disorder that involves excessive levels of negative emotions, such as nervousness, tension, worry, fright, and anxiety. It is a generalized feeling of apprehension, fear, or tension that may be associated with a particular object or situation or may be free-floating, not associated with anything specific.
A) Social Anxiety Disorder
B) anxiety disorder
C) Moral Anxiety
D) Reality Anxiety
E) Neurotic Anxiety
  • 7. class of sleep disorder that cause abnormal movements and behaviors during sleep.
A) sleep apnea
B) parasomnias
C) insomnia
D) restless leg syndrome
E) narcolepsy
  • 8. formerly known as manic-depression, there are swings in mood from elation(extreme happiness) with no discernable external cause.
A) Delusional disorder
B) Bipolar Disorder
C) Depressive Disorder
D) Anxiety disorder
E) Mood Disorder
  • 9. hallucinates and delusions which are also thre symptoms of this type of schizophrenia.
A) residual schizophrenia
B) catatonic schizophrenia
C) undifferentiated schizophrenia
D) disorganized schizophrenia
E) paranoid schizophrenia
  • 10. It refers to any response made with the intent of harming some person or objects. The intentional infliction may be a physical or psychological harm.
A) Escape
B) Displaced Aggression
C) Aggression
D) Scapegoating
  • 11. people with schizophrenia often have the sensation that there are things like bugs or insects crawling across their skin.
A) auditory
B) visual
C) command
D) tactile
E) olfactory
  • 12. the patient may show excessive, unwarranted excitement or silliness, carrying jokes to far. They may also show poor judgment and recklessness and may be argumentative.
A) Major Depressive Disorder
B) Single Episodes
C) Recurrent
D) Depressive Episode
E) Manic Phase
  • 13. this delusion is the belief that others control you. The individual may believe that his or her thoughts are being controlled or influenced from outside him or her.
A) Delusions of Reference
B) Delusions of Self-accusation
C) Grandiose Type
D) Persecutory Type
E) Delusion of Control
  • 14. this mental illness interferes with an individuals ability to regulate emotion.
A) paranoid personality disorder
B) schizoid disorder
C) obsessive-compulsive disorder
D) borderline personality disorder
E) avoidant disorder
  • 15. patients with this disorder often become very worried about their health because the doctors are unable to find a cause for their health problems.
A) dissociative disorder
B) schizophrenia
C) somatoform disorder
D) sleep disorder
E) personality disorder
  • 16. refers to intense, irrational fear of specific objects or events that may have a symbolic significance on the afflicted individual.
A) Schizophrenic Reaction
B) Phobic Reaction
C) Manic-Depressive Reaction
D) Depressive Reaction
E) Schizophrenic Reaction
  • 17. Abnormalities in the functioning of brain regions that control perception and thinking may be linked to the formation of delusional.
A) Genetic
B) none of these
C) Biological
D) all of these
E) Environmental/Psychological
  • 18. A person who is acting out desires may do it in spite of his/her consicience or may do it with relatively little thought.
A) Avoidance
B) Acting out
C) Altruism
D) Aim Inhibition
E) Attack
  • 19. It is a class of functional mental disorder involving distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations, whereby behavior is not outside social accepted norms.
A) Schizophrenia
B) mental disorder
C) anxiety disorder
D) psychosis
E) neurosis
  • 20. When we become stressed or tension is caused, a number of negative emotions may start to build, including anger, frustration, fear, jealousy and so on.
A) Identification
B) Emotionality
C) Fantasy or Day Dreaming
D) Idealization
E) Fight-or-Flight Reaction
  • 21. is an extended pattern of depressed episodes.
A) Single Episodes
B) Depressive Episode
C) Major Depressive Disorder
D) Recurrent
E) Manic Phase
  • 22. refers to a sexual desire towards the opposite sex, this is a normal sexual behavior, socially and medically acceptable.
A) homosexual
B) transexualism
C) hypoxyphilia
D) heterosexual
E) bisexual
  • 23. is a distress caused by the individual's inner characteristic that impedes progress toward a goal.
A) Personal Shortcomings
B) Physical Obstacles
C) External Frustration
D) Interna Frustration
E) anxiety
  • 24. usually lies in a persons having immediate relatives with a history of schizophrenia or other psychiatric disease.
A) prenatal cause
B) environmental cause
C) social cause
D) substance abuse cause
E) genetic cause
  • 25. Single episodes depression is like major depression only it strikes in one dramatic episodes.
A) Single Episodes
B) Major Depressive Disorder
C) Manic Phase
D) Recurrent
E) Depressive Episode
  • 26. it is believed that there are internal parasites in the body, or that a certain part of the body is ugly or not functioning properly. Self-mutilation can take place to free the body from the parasites.
A) Somatic Type
B) Erotomanic Type
C) Grandiose Type
D) Mixed Type
E) Persecutory Type
  • 27. refers to a form of sexual perversion in which the infliction of pain on another is necessary or sometimes the sole factor in sexual enjoyment.
A) uranism
B) frottage
C) masochism
D) sadism
E) sodomy
  • 28. it is the involuntary muscle spasm at the entrance to the vagina that prevents penetration and sexual intercourse
A) dyspareunia
B) sexual eversion disorder
C) female orgasmic disorder
D) vaginismus
E) frigidity
  • 29. The individual may also believe that he or she has s special relationship with a prominent person such as being the adviser to the president, or that he or she is the prominent person. In this case the actual person is considered the impostor.
A) Jealous Type
B) Unspecified Type
C) Mixed Type
D) Grandiose Type
E) Persecutory Type
  • 30. we simply find ways of avoiding having to face uncomfortable situations, things of activities. The discomfort, for example, may come from unconcious sexual or aggressive impulses.
A) Attack
B) Avoidance
C) Altruism
D) Acting out
E) Aim Inhibition
  • 31. refers to disorder in which, under stress, one loses the integration of consciousness, identity, and memories of important personal events.
A) schizophrenia
B) somatoform disorder
C) personality disorder
D) dissociative disorder
E) sleep disorder
  • 32. impulse to twirl and pull hair.
A) unspecified disorder
B) intermittent
C) pyromania
D) kleptomania
E) trichotillomania
  • 33. are the sum total of ways in which people deal with minor to major stress and trauma.
A) Defense mechanism
B) Coping mechanism
C) Hypothesis of Catharsis
D) Source of Frustration
E) Frustration induced criminality
  • 34. These are unconcious psychological strategies brought into play by various entities to cope with reality and to maintain self-image.
A) Defense mechanism
B) Source of Frustration
C) Hypothesis of Catharsis
D) Coping mechanism
E) Frustration induced criminality
  • 35. People with this condition have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning.
A) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
B) Panic Disorder
C) Phobias
D) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
E) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • 36. It refers to the shifting of actions from a desired target to a substitute target when there are some reasons why the first target is not permitted or not available.
A) Conversion
B) Displacement
C) Dissociation
D) denial
E) Compensation
  • 37. Mental illnesses may be associated with the brain, but they have more in common with other bodily illnesses than they do differences.
A) mental disorder
B) psychosis
C) anxiety disorder
D) neurosis
E) Schizophrenia
  • 38. are disorders related to a particular phase of the sexual response cycle.
A) male orgasmic disorder
B) sexual dysfunction
C) sexual disorder
D) human cycle disorder
E) female orgasmic disorder
  • 39. refers to sexual relatioOns between persons who, by reason of blood relationship cannot legally marry.
A) incest
B) gerontophilia
C) necrophilia
D) pedophilia
E) zoophilia
  • 40. A person acting under this delusional theme could be considered dangerous, for example if the individual tries to "defend" himself or herself against another individual who he or she believes is referring to them.
A) Erotomanic Type
B) Persecutory Type
C) Delusions of Self-accusation
D) Delusions of Reference
E) Delusion of Control
  • 41. refers to fear that instincts will get out of control and cause the person to do something for which he or she will be punished.
A) Neurotic Anxiety
B) Reality Anxiety
C) anxiety disorder
D) Moral Anxiety
E) Social Anxiety Disorder
  • 42. the ff are the symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder, except?
A) uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts,
B) feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness,
C) none of these
D) cold or sweaty hands and/or feet
E) thoughts or flashbacks of traumatic experiences,
  • 43. displays a high level of social discomfort, timidity, and fear of criticism.
A) borderline personality disorder
B) anti social personality disorder
C) avoidant disorder
D) paranoid personality disorder
E) narcissistic disorder
  • 44. the central theme of the delusion is that the individual is being conspired against, spied on, followed, poisoned, cheated, harassed or obstructed.
A) Unspecified Type
B) Grandiose Type
C) Erotomanic Type
D) Persecutory Type
E) Somatic Type
  • 45. lack of empathy or conscience, a difficulty controlling impulses and manipulative behaviors.
A) narcissistic disorder
B) avoidant disorder
C) histrionic disorder
D) anti social personality disorder
E) paranoid personality disorder
  • 46. was previously used to described a number of observable phenomena including delirium associated with fever, delusional jealousy and being overly suspicious.
A) Delusional disorder
B) mood disorder
C) mental disorder
D) anxiety disorder
E) paranoia
  • 47. In this case the person believes that others action, or specific occurrences, refer to him or her. Such a person may belief that group of friends who are innocently talking to each other about sports may be referring to him or her.
A) Mixed Type
B) Grandiose Type
C) Erotomanic Type
D) Persecutory Type
E) Unspecified Type
  • 48. fear of dolls
A) philophobia
B) pediophobia
C) phobopobia
D) pyrophobia
E) gamophobia
  • 49. coulrophobia
A) fear of halloween
B) fear of clowns
C) fear of ants
D) fear of cold
E) fear of zombies
  • 50. major disturbances in one's condition or emotion, such as depression and mania. Its is otherwise known as affective disorder.
A) Anxiety disorder
B) Mood Disorder
C) Delusional disorder
D) Depressive Disorder
E) Bipolar Disorder
  • 51. This delusion is associated with intense feelings of guilt and remorse, and could be regarded as the extreme opposite of the grandiose delusion, where the individual replaces feeling of saving the world with the delusional belief that the world is coming to an end.
A) Delusion of Control
B) Delusions of Reference
C) Delusions of Self-accusation
D) Persecutory Type
E) Somatic Type
  • 52. abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality".
A) Schizophrenia
B) neurosis
C) psychosis
D) mental disorder
E) anxiety disorder
  • 53. the ff are the phases for human sexual response cycle, EXCEPT?
A) orgasmic
B) erectile
C) plateau
D) excitement
E) resolution
  • 54. The symptoms of psychosis are the following: except?
A) Affective Reaction
B) Manic-Depressive Reaction
C) Depressive Reaction
D) Involution Reaction
E) Schizophrenic Reaction
  • 55. is a condition that can develop following a traumatic and/or terrifying event, such as a sexual or physical assault, the unexpected death of a loved one, or a natural disaster.
A) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
B) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
C) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
D) phobias
E) Panic Disorder
  • 56. the central theme of the delusion is that the individual's spouses or lover is being unfaithful.
A) Erotomanic Type
B) Somatic Type
C) Grandiose Type
D) Jealous Type
E) Mixed Type
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