Determinism and Free will
  • 1. Determinism is the philosophical idea that all events, including human actions, are determined by external causes and thus inevitable. This concept implies that our choices and actions are ultimately the result of factors beyond our control, such as biological, environmental, and historical conditions. In contrast, free will is the belief that individuals have the ability to make choices independently of any constraints and to determine their own destiny. This debate between determinism and free will has been a central topic in philosophy and psychology, raising questions about the nature of responsibility, moral agency, and the implications for personal freedom and accountability.

    What is free will?
A) The inability to make any decisions.
B) The acceptance of fate without question.
C) The ability to make choices that are not determined by outside forces.
D) The belief that all choices are predetermined.
  • 2. Which concept opposes determinism by proposing that humans have freedom of choice?
A) Causality
B) Fatalism
C) Free will
D) Determinism
  • 3. In the debate between determinism and free will, what view suggests that both can coexist?
A) Dualism
B) Compatibilism
C) Existentialism
D) Nihilism
  • 4. What is fatalism?
A) The belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable, leading to resignation.
B) The belief that events are influenced by external forces.
C) The belief that individuals control their own destiny.
D) The belief that events are random and chaotic.
  • 5. Which concept asserts that each event is caused by a prior event, implying determinism?
A) Agency
B) Causality
C) Indeterminism
D) Chance
  • 6. Which term describes the belief that some events do not have a specific cause?
A) Determinism
B) Indeterminism
C) Compatibilism
D) Fatalism
  • 7. What term refers to the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality and existence?
A) Epistemology
B) Metaphysics
C) Ethics
D) Aesthetics
  • 8. According to determinism, are human actions ultimately based on free will?
A) It depends
B) Sometimes
C) No
D) Yes
  • 9. What is epistemology concerned with?
A) The study of ethics and moral values.
B) The study of beauty and art.
C) The nature of reality and existence.
D) The nature and scope of knowledge.
  • 10. What does libertarianism advocate for in the context of free will?
A) That freedom is an illusion and choices are predetermined.
B) That individuals are free to choose their actions independently of constraint.
C) That individuals have no control over their decisions.
D) That all events are predetermined and inevitable.
  • 11. What is teleology?
A) The study of how individuals make choices.
B) The philosophical study of purpose and design in nature.
C) The belief that all events have causes and are predetermined.
D) The theory that everything is determined by fate.
  • 12. What does hard determinism propose regarding free will?
A) That free will exists alongside determinism without contradiction.
B) That free will is absolute and individuals are fully responsible for their actions.
C) That free will is an illusion and all actions are determined.
D) That free will is only possible in certain circumstances.
  • 13. Who first introduced the concept of tabula rasa, suggesting that individuals are born with a blank slate?
A) Thomas Hobbes
B) John Locke
C) Plato
D) René Descartes
  • 14. In philosophy, what is ontology concerned with?
A) The study of language and meaning.
B) The ethical evaluation of actions.
C) The study of knowledge and justified belief.
D) The nature of being and existence.
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