Turkmenistan's history and heritage
  • 1. Turkmenistan's history is rich and diverse, with influences from various empires and civilizations that have left their mark on the country. The region has been home to nomadic tribes, Persian rulers, and various conquerors throughout the centuries. Today, Turkmenistan proudly showcases its heritage through ancient monuments, such as the ruins of Merv, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the iconic Darvaza Gas Crater, known as the 'Door to Hell.' The country's unique culture is reflected in its traditional music, art, and cuisine, which are intricately woven into the fabric of Turkmen society. From the majestic landscapes of the Karakum Desert to the vibrant bazaars of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan preserves and celebrates its history in a way that captures the imagination of visitors from around the world.

    When did Turkmenistan gain independence from the Soviet Union?
A) 1975
B) 2010
C) 2001
D) 1991
  • 2. What is the capital of Turkmenistan?
A) Ashgabat
B) Balkanabat
C) Turkmenabat
D) Mary
  • 3. Turkmenistan is bordered by which of the following countries?
A) Australia
B) Pakistan
C) Iran
D) Thailand
  • 4. Who was the first President of Turkmenistan?
A) Ismail Sefykulyyev
B) Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow
C) Serder Saparmurat
D) Saparmurat Niyazov
  • 5. Which body of water does Turkmenistan border to the west?
A) Black Sea
B) Mediterranean Sea
C) Caspian Sea
D) Red Sea
  • 6. Turkmen carpets are famous for their intricate design and are considered a form of ________.
A) food
B) art
C) currency
D) clothing
  • 7. Which of the following is a traditional Turkmen musical instrument?
A) Tambur
B) Saz
C) Dutar
D) Baglama
  • 8. What is the name of the ancient city near present-day Mary, Turkmenistan?
A) Merv
B) Thebes
C) Babylon
D) Ephesus
  • 9. Who is considered the father of the Turkmen nation and culture?
A) Niyazov
B) Tughril Beg
C) Magtymguly Pyragy
D) Berdimuhamedow
  • 10. Turkmenistan is known for having extensive reserves of which natural resource?
A) Oil
B) Uranium
C) Natural gas
D) Coal
  • 11. What is the name of the ancient Parthian city located near the modern-day town of Serakhs in Turkmenistan?
A) Troy
B) Thebes
C) Nisa
D) Babylon
  • 12. What is the name of the Turkmen national holiday celebrated annually on October 27th?
A) Eid al-Fitr
B) Independence Day
C) New Year's Day
D) Nowruz
  • 13. Which desert covers much of western Turkmenistan?
A) Gobi Desert
B) Sahara Desert
C) Atacama Desert
D) Karakum Desert
  • 14. What is the traditional Turkmen headwear called?
A) Fez
B) Telpek
C) Taqiyah
D) Kufi
  • 15. What is the national dish of Turkmenistan?
A) Shashlik
B) Beshbarmak
C) Samsa
D) Plov
  • 16. Which mountain range forms part of Turkmenistan's border with Iran?
A) Hindu Kush
B) Kopet Dag
C) Tian Shan
D) Pamir Mountains
  • 17. What ancient civilization left behind impressive ruins at the site of Old Nisa in Turkmenistan?
A) Babylonians
B) Parthians
C) Vikings
D) Mayans
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