Gell-Mann discovers quark
  • 1. Who discovered quarks?
A) Richard Feynman
B) Murray Gell-Mann
C) Niels Bohr
D) Erwin Schrödinger
  • 2. Which group of particles did Gell-Mann propose were made up of quarks?
A) Bosons
B) Hadrons
C) Fermions
D) Leptons
  • 3. What are the three types of quarks identified by Gell-Mann initially?
A) Red, Blue, Green
B) Up, Down, Strange
C) Photon, W, Z
D) Electron, Proton, Neutron
  • 4. Which experiment provided the evidence for the existence of quarks?
A) Double-slit experiment
B) Deep inelastic scattering
C) Photoelectric effect
D) Davisson-Germer experiment
  • 5. Quarks are never observed in isolation due to what phenomenon?
A) Disintegration
B) Annihilation
C) Decay
D) Confinement
  • 6. What is the color charge of a quark?
A) Positive
B) Yellow
C) Black
D) Red, Blue, or Green
  • 7. The down quark has what kind of electric charge?
A) +1/3
B) +2/3
C) -2/3
D) -1/3
  • 8. Protons and neutrons are composed of which quarks?
A) Strange and charm quarks
B) Up and down quarks
C) Red and blue quarks
D) Top and bottom quarks
  • 9. What is the third 'strangeness' quantum number in particle physics used to classify quarks?
A) Isospin
B) Spin
C) Charm
D) Flavor
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