• 1. 1. It is the heat transfer through solid materials such as beam, metal conduit and ducts.
A) Conduction
B) Combustion
C) Radiation
D) Convection
  • 2. 2. The techniques used in clearing a building of smoke and with the use of smoke ejector is called as what?
A) Horizontal Ventilation
B) Ventilation
C) Vertical Ventilation
D) Mechanical Ventilation
  • 3. 3. What are the types of ventilation? 1. Vertical 2. Cross or horizontal 3. Mechanical force 4. Smoke ejector
A) All choices are correct except d
B) All choices are wrong
C) All choices are correct
D) None of these
  • 4. 4. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consumes electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system.
A) Static
B) Sparking
C) Overloading
D) Arcing
  • 5. 5. What type of fire that we are normally used such as bonfire.
A) Destructive arson
B) Non- destructive arson
C) Incendiary
D) None of these
  • 6. 6. Which of the following best illustrate arson?
A) Unexplained explosion
B) Thick relish smoke
C) Faulty electric wiring
D) Simultaneous fire
  • 7. 7. These are fires which are caused by flammable liquids like kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, etc
A) Class A
B) Class E
C) Class D
D) Class B
  • 8. 8. What is the most common excuse by a fire prober when no evidence is found?
A) No evidence
B) No determination
C) Lack of witnesses
D) Electrical wiring
  • 9. 9. What type of fire can cause extreme damage such as deforestation.
A) Incendiary
B) Non destructive arson
C) Destructive arson
D) None of these
  • 10. 10. The cause of the majority of fire death is ?
A) Smoke
B) Burns
C) Shock
D) Asphyxiation
  • 11. 11. When church is burned it is categorized under Destructive arson
A) True
B) Maybe no
C) False
D) Maybe yes
  • 12. 12. When Ammunition factory is burned it is categorized under Destructive Arson.
A) False
B) True
C) Maybe
  • 13. 13. Which of the following is NOT under the motives of arson? I Economic Gain II Concealment of Crime III Punitive Measures
A) Only II
B) None of these
C) Only I
D) Only III
  • 14. 14. When Rice Mill is burned it is categorized under Destructive Arson
A) True
B) False
C) Maybe
  • 15. 15. The fire may be used as a weapon of the saboteurs, the strikers or the racketeers to intimidate or to disable economically as a step toward forcing submission to certain demands.
A) Vandalism
B) Punitive measure
C) Intimidation or Economic Disabling
D) Concealment of crime
  • 16. 16. Other cases of arson is punishable by Prision Mayor
A) False
B) True
C) Maybe
  • 17. 17. Conspiracy to commit arson is punishable by Reclusion Temporal
A) True
B) Maybe
C) False
  • 18. 18. An offender may resort to arson as a means of a ____ because a fire attracts people and destruction causes confusion that gives rise to attendant problems that divert police attention.
A) Vandalism
B) Punitive measure
C) Public disturbance
D) Intimidation or Economic Disabling
  • 19. 19. Destructive arson is punishable by Reclusion Perpetua.
A) Maybe
B) True
C) False
  • 20. 20. When does the fire code of the Philippines approved?
A) December 20, 2008
B) December 21, 2008
C) December 22, 2008
D) December 19, 2008
  • 21. 21. Is a general term denoting intentional burning to destroy properties.
A) Concealment of crime
B) Vandalism
C) Punitive measure
D) Public disturbance
  • 22. 22. Death results from arson is punishable by Reclusion Perpetua.
A) False
B) True
C) Maybe
  • 23. 23. He may wish to divert attention in order to loot the burning premises or steal in other places. The burning may be for the purpose of destroying evidences.
A) Public disturbance
B) Punitive measure
C) Concealment of crime
D) Vandalism
  • 24. 24. It is the moving cause which induces a person to commit a crime.
A) Malice
B) Motive
C) Desire
D) Intent
  • 25. 25. Fire code of the Philippines
A) RA 4159
B) RA 9514
C) RA 5149
D) RA 1495
  • 26. 26. Insurance fraud is an example of what?
A) Public disturbance
B) Intimidation or Economic disabling
C) Economic Gain
D) Punitive measure
  • 27. 27. If committed by the owner who intentionally burned his own property the penalty is Reclusion Perpetua.
A) False
B) Maybe
C) True
  • 28. 28. An arsonist may use fire as a means of punishing another person for reason of jealousy, hatred or revenge.
A) Punitive measure
B) Vandalism
C) Concealment of crime
D) Intimidation or Economic disabling
  • 29. 29. Fire code of the Philippines also known as what?
A) Revised fire code of the Philippines of 2009
B) Revised fire code of the Philippines of 2011
C) Revised fire code of the Philippines of 2008
D) Revised fire code of the Philippines of 2010
  • 30. 30. How many directorates in admin in BFP Organizational Chart
A) 5
B) 8
C) 9
D) 4
  • 31. 31. How many directorates in operation in BFP Organizational Chart.
A) 4
B) 5
C) 9
D) 10
  • 32. 32. How many directorates in BFP Organizational structure.
A) 9
B) 4
C) 10
D) 5
  • 33. 33. Which of the following is not included in admin Directorates. I Plans II Personnel III Operation IV Communication and IT
A) I and IV
B) II and III
C) III and IV
D) I and II
  • 34. 34. Which of the following is not included in operation directorates. I Plans II Personnel III Operation IV Communication and IT
A) III and OV
B) I and III
C) I and II
D) II and IV
  • 35. 35. Who has the current Chief BFP?
A) FCSupt Wilberto Rico Niel A Kwan Tiu
B) FDIR. Louie Puracan
C) FCSupt Manuel M Manuel
D) FCSupt Jesus P Fernandez
  • 36. 36. Who was the current Chief of Directorial Staff of BFP?
A) FCSupt Wilberto Rico Niel A Kwan Tiu
B) FDIR. Louie Puracan
C) FCSupt Manuel M Manuel
D) FCSupt Jesus P Fernandez
  • 37. 37. Who was the current Deputy Chief for Operation in BFP?
A) FCSupt. Jesus P Fernandez
B) FCSupt. Wilberto Rico Niel A Kwan Tiu
C) FDIR. Louie Puracan
D) FCSupt. Manuel M Manuel
  • 38. 38. Who was the current Deputy Chief for Admin in BFP?
A) FDIR. Louie Puracan
B) FCSupt. Manuel M Manuel
C) FCSupt. Wilberto Rico Niel A Kwan Tiu
D) FCSupt. Jesus P Fernandez
  • 39. 39. Who was the appointing authority in Deputies?
A) President
B) Vice President
C) Senator
D) Comelec
  • 40. 40. What is the rank needed for Deputy in Administration.
A) At least Senior Chief Superintendent
B) At least Senior inspector
C) None of these
D) Atleast fire chief inspector
  • 41. 41. What is the rank needed for Deputy in Operation.
A) Atleast Senior Inspector
B) Atleast Senior Chief Superintendent
C) Atleast fire Chief Inspector
D) None of these
  • 42. 42. What is the rank needed for Deputy in Directorial Staff?
A) Atleast fire Chief Inspector
B) Atleast Senior Chief Superintendent
C) Atleast Senior Inspector
D) None of these
  • 43. 43. Directorate responsible for the management of the personnel of the Bureau; Manpower Procurement and Control; Maintains Personnel Records, Statistics and Reports; Discipline, Law and Order; Morale, Personnel Services and Personnel Placement; the internal organization.
A) Directorate for plans
B) Comptrollership
C) Logistics
D) Directorate for Personnel
  • 44. 44. A department focus on recruitment.
A) Directorate for Personnel
B) Comtrollership
C) Logistics
D) Human Resource and Development
  • 45. 45. They ensure the quality of financial transactions and reporting, develop our financial well-being, and play a leading role in financial decision-making.
A) Comptrollership
B) Directorate for Personnel
C) Directorate for Plans
D) Logistics
  • 46. 46. They guides and controls the activities in the field of logistics and investment planning, real estate management, supply and maintenance of mobility means, weaponry and specialized equipment, technical development, standardization and regulations.
A) Directorate for Plans
B) Comptrollership
C) Logistics
D) Directorate for Personnel
  • 47. 47. Assist and advise the chief, BFP in the areas of plans and programs.
A) Comptrollership
B) Directorate for Plans
C) Directorate for Personnel
D) Logistics
  • 48. 48. Who was the first command in BFP?
A) Admin
B) Directorial Staff
C) Operation
  • 49. 49.
A) Fire officer 2
B) Fire officer 3
C) Fire officer 4
D) Fire officer 1
  • 50. 50.
A) Inspector
B) Fire chief inspector
C) Fire senior superintendent
D) Senior inspector
  • 51. 51.
A) Senior Fire officer 3
B) Fire Officer 1
C) Fire officer 2
D) Senior fire officer 1
  • 52. 52.
A) Fire director
B) Fire Chief Superintendent
C) Inspector
D) Fire senior superintendent
  • 53. 53.
A) Senior fire officer 1
B) Senior fire officer 4
C) Senior fire officer 3
D) Senior fire officer 2
  • 54. 54.
A) Fire Chief Inspector
B) Fire senior superintendent
C) Inspector
D) Fire Director
  • 55. 55.
A) Fire Chief Superintendent
B) Fire Senior Superintendent
C) Fire director
D) Senior Inspector
  • 56. 56.
A) Senior inspector
B) Fire Chief Inspector
C) Inspector
D) Fire Director
  • 57. 57.
A) Inspector
B) Senior Inspector
C) Fire director
D) Fire superintendent
  • 58. 58.
A) Fire Officer 4
B) Senior fire officer 4
C) Senior fire Officer 1
D) Senior fire officer 3
  • 59. 59.
A) Fire officer 3
B) Fire officer 2
C) Senior fire officer 1
D) Senior fire officer 3
  • 60. 60.
A) Fire officer 2
B) Fire officer 3
C) Fire officer 1
D) Senior Fire officer 3
  • 61. 61.
A) Fire director
B) Senior inspector
C) Fire superintendent
D) Fire chief superintendent
  • 62. 62.
A) Fire officer 1
B) Senior fire officer 4
C) Senior fire officer 2
D) Senior fire officer 1
  • 63. 63.
A) Fire chief superintendent
B) Fire Senior inspector
C) Fire Director
D) Inspector
  • 64. 64. What is the rank required for the position of Municipal Fire Marshall?
A) Director
B) Superintendent
C) Senior superintendent
D) Senior Inspector
  • 65. 65. What is the rank required for the position of City Fire Marshall?
A) Superintendent
B) Inspector
C) Senior Inspector
D) Senior superintendent
  • 66. 66. What is the rank required for the position of District fire Marshall?
A) Superintendent
B) Senior superintendent
C) Senior Inspector
D) Fire Director
  • 67. 67. What is the rank required for the position of provincial Fire Marshall?
A) Director
B) Superintendent
C) Senior Inspector
D) None of these
  • 68. 68. What is the rank required for the position of Regional Director for admin and operations?
A) Inspector
B) Superintendent
C) None of these
D) Director
  • 69. 69. What is the rank required for the position CHIEF, BFP
A) Inspector
B) None of these
C) Director
D) Fire chief superintendent
  • 70. 70. How many years needed if the BFP officer demoted to his/her position and needed to go back with his original rank.
A) 2 years
B) 1 year
C) 3 years
D) 4 years
  • 71. 71. If the fire officer is not promoted within___ years the officer shall be attrived
A) 2 years
B) 5 years
C) 10 years
D) 4 years
  • 72. 72. What kind of attrition if the officer accumulated 5 years of service and accidentally he injured his arm and cannot perform his duty the officer shall be attrived.
A) Non promotion
B) Demotion in Position / Rank
C) Other means
  • 73. 73. Which of the following is not included in the attrition by other means. I poor performance II Physical mental incapacity to perform their duty III Failure to complete the required career courses IV A good fire officer with courage and gallantry.
A) Only IV
B) Only II
C) Only I
D) Only III
  • 74. 74. If fire officer 1 meet mandatory requirements for promotion. What kind of promotion was said?
A) Meritorious
B) Regular
C) Phostomous
  • 75. 75. If fire inspector show Gallantry and courage during his duty. What kind of promotion shall be recieve?
A) Regular
B) Meritorious
C) Phostomous
  • 76. 76. If Fire Officer 3 was on duty and accidentally strip and being locked on the room while performing his duty and because of the heavy fire and smoke Fire Officer 3 was died because of asphyxia. What kind of Promotion shall he receive?
A) Phostomous
B) Meritorious
C) Regular
  • 77. 77. what is the highest medal given by the President?
A) Bayani
B) Valor
C) Makabayan
D) Kagitingan
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