Pablo Neruda's Love Poetry
  • 1. Who is the poet known for his love poetry?
A) Federico García Lorca
B) Gabriel García Márquez
C) Pablo Neruda
D) Octavio Paz
  • 2. In which country was Pablo Neruda born?
A) Chile
B) Spain
C) Peru
D) Argentina
  • 3. What was one of Neruda's most famous collections of love poems?
A) One Hundred Years of Solitude
B) Love in the Time of Cholera
C) The Labyrinth of Solitude
D) 20 Love Poems and a Song of Despair
  • 4. Which literary award did Pablo Neruda win in 1971?
A) National Book Award
B) Nobel Prize in Literature
C) Pulitzer Prize
D) Man Booker Prize
  • 5. Which famous historical event inspired Neruda's Canto General?
A) World War I
B) French Revolution
C) Spanish Civil War
D) Vietnam War
  • 6. Who was the inspiration for much of Neruda's early love poetry?
A) Gabriela Mistral
B) Matilde Urrutia
C) Isabel Allende
D) Frida Kahlo
  • 7. What was Neruda's real name?
A) Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto
B) Mario Vargas Llosa
C) Pablo Francisco José María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
D) Luis Alberto Spinetta
  • 8. What animal does Neruda frequently use as a symbol in his poetry?
A) Fish
B) Bird
C) Lion
D) Elephant
  • 9. What year was Pablo Neruda born?
A) 1872
B) 1904
C) 1945
D) 1920
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