Government Assignment for SS 1
  • 1. 1. Government as the act of governing means the _______
A) Act of vetoing a bill
B) Orders of judiciary and legislature
C) Activities of pressure groups and political parties
D) Activities by which government policies are made and implemented
  • 2. 2. Which of the following is not the function of the government?
A) Defence of territory from external attack
B) Provision of all the material needs of all citizen
C) Provision of Education
D) Maintenance of relations with other states
  • 3. 3. The two components of Sovereignty are ________
A) Political Independence and supreme authority of the state within it's territory
B) Political power and political authority
C) The rule of law and fundamental human rights
D) Influence and political authority
  • 4. 4. A state is a special form of human association because it ______
A) Has a government
B) Has a constitution approved by the citizens
C) Has a legitimate monopoly of life and death penalties over it's Citizens
D) Can punish law breakers
  • 5. 5. The judicial organ of government is the body which _____
A) Interprets the law
B) Makes the law
C) Implements the law
D) Punishes law makers
  • 6. 6. The study of government offers an individual all the following, except a ______
A) Basis of career opportunities
B) Training on good Citizenship
C) Training to become a judge
D) Knowledge on the process of government
  • 7. 7. A sovereign state is one
A) In which Sovereignty is invested in the military
B) Where it's citizens can speak without fear or favour
C) Whose citizens are free to evade responsibility
D) Whose government decisions are made independent of foreign interference
  • 8. 8. The Citizenship of a country may be acquired by an individual through
A) Neutralization
B) Nationalization
C) Naturalization
D) Decolonization
  • 9. 9. Power can be defined as the _____
A) Ability of the parliament to delegate to another body or person, the right to make laws on its behalf
B) Capacity to compel or influence others to do what they would otherwise not do
C) Right to rule irrespective of oppositions to the ruler
D) Capacity to encourage others to do what they had originally intended doing
  • 10. 10. Power is transformed into authority through _____
A) Propaganda
B) Influence
C) Force
D) Legitimacy
  • 11. 11. The Executive is a body that _____
A) Interprets the laws
B) Formulates and implements the policies of government
C) Is the most important arm of government
D) Execute armed robbers
  • 12. 12. It is not the duty or obligations of a citizen to _______
A) Vote at elections
B) Arrest and prosecute offenders
C) Defend his country in times of war
D) Stand up then National Anthem is being sung
  • 13. 13. The arms of government include all the following except _____
A) State government
B) Local government
C) Legislative government
D) Central government
  • 14. 14. The primary function of government in a state is to ______
A) Maintain law and order
B) Provide transport service
C) Build schools and hospitals
D) Imprison criminals
  • 15. 15. A machinery established by the state to organise the state, manage its affairs and administer its functioin and duties is _______
A) Executive
B) Political party
C) Government
D) Constituted authority
  • 16. 16. The need for government came up as a result of _____
A) The state settling disputes all time
B) People forming political party to gain power
C) People living together, interacting and working together
D) People coming together to cause conflicts and disagreement amongst themselves
  • 17. 17. Features of State include all but one
A) Sovereignty
B) Permanence
C) Government
D) Administration
  • 18. 18. Forms of power which is derived from the people and the Constitution is ____
A) Political power
B) Military power
C) Executive power
D) Physical power
  • 19. 19. A person acts with _______ if he acts on behalf of others who have commissioned him to do so
A) Institutional authority
B) Positional authority
C) De-jure authority
D) De-facto authority
  • 20. 20. The following are types of Sovereignty except _____
A) Legal Sovereignty
B) Delegated Sovereignty
C) Internal Sovereignty
D) De-facto Sovereignty
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