• 1. 1. Any employer who violates sections 12, 12-A, and section 14 of this act, as amended, shall be penalized by imprisonment of six(6) months and one(1) day to six (6) years or a fine of?
A) not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) none of these
B) not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) but not more than Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) or both at the discretion of the court
C) not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00)
D) None of these
  • 2. 2. Hours of Work of a Working Child, a child fifteen (15) years of age but below eighteen (18) shall not be allowed to work for how many hours a week and a day?
A) more than four (4) hours a day, and in no case beyond forty (40) hours a week
B) more than eight (8) hours a day, and in no case beyond forty (40) hours a week
C) more than eighteen (18) hours a day, and in no case beyond forty (40) hours a week
D) more than ten (10) hours a day, and in no case beyond forty (40) hours a week
  • 3. 3. No child below fifteen (15) years of age shall be allowed to work between?
A) eight o'clock in the evening and ten o'clock in the morning
B) ten o'clock in the evening and eight o'clock in the morning
C) eight o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning
D) ten o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning
  • 4. 4. In what year statutes which mandated the appointed of overseers who placed destitute or neglected children with families who then trained them in agricultural, trade or domestic services; this practice is called indenture.
A) 1535
B) 1553
C) 1610
D) 1601
  • 5. 5. Hours of Work of a Working Child, A child below fifteen (15) years of age may be allowed to work for not more than twenty (20) hours a week: Provided, That the work shall not be more than four (4) hours at any given day. The statement is:
A) Maybe wrong
B) Maybe correct
C) Correct
D) Wrong
  • 6. 6. Otherwise known as the Anti Violence against Women and their Children Act, provides that the Regional Trial Court designated as a Family Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over cases of violence against women and their children.
A) Section 6 RA 9262
B) Section 9 RA 9262
C) Section 7 of RA 9262
D) Section 8 RA 9262
  • 7. 7. Any person who shall use, coerce, force or intimidate a street child or any other child to beg or use begging as a means of living; act as conduit or middlemen in drug trafficking or pushing; or conduct any illegal activities, shall suffer the penalty of prision correctional in its medium period to?
A) Prision mayor
B) Arresto mayor
C) Reclusion temporal
D) Reclusion perpetua
  • 8. 8. Refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to undergo after he/she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings.
A) Community-based programs
B) Diversion program
C) Deprivation of liberty
D) Diversion
  • 9. 9. No child fifteen (15) years of age but below eighteen (18) shall be allowed to work between?
A) six o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning of the following day.
B) ten o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning of the following day
C) six o'clock in the evening and ten o'clock in the morning of the following day.
D) ten o'clock in the evening and ten o'clock in the morning of the following day.
  • 10. 10. One of prohibition Against Worst Forms of Child Labor performed in an unhealthy environment is exposing the child to hazardous working conditions, elements, substances, co-agents or processes involving ionizing, radiation, fire, flammable substances, noxious components and the like, or to extreme temperatures, noise levels, or vibrations, the statement is?
A) Definitely false
B) Definitely not true
C) Absolutely false
D) Absolutely true
  • 11. 11. The child in conflict with the law shall be credited in the services of his/her sentence under this Act.
A) half time spent in actual commitment and detention of the child
B) full time spent in actual commitment and detention of the child
C) full time spent in pre-commitment and detention of the child
D) full time spent in actual commitment and release of the child
  • 12. 12. One of the theories of children which are crippled, deaf muted, blind and other conditions which restrict their means of action or communication with others.
A) Mental sub-normal
B) Mentally-ill
C) Emotional disturbed
D) physical handicapped
  • 13. 13. Parents, biological or by legal fiction, and legal guardians found to be violating Sections 12, 12-A, 12-B and 12-C of this Act shall pay a fine of?
A) not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) but not more than Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) or both at the discretion of the court
B) not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00)
C) not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00)
D) None of these
  • 14. 14. One of the procedures for taking the child into custody, the law enforcement should____ or using any firearm, weapon, handcuffs or other instruments of force or restraint unless necessary and all methods are failed.
A) Avoid displaying
B) Always display
C) Show firearm
D) Avoid hiding
  • 15. 15. An Act Providing for Stronger Deterrence and Special Protection against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination, and for other purposes:
A) RA 7061
B) RA 7610
C) RA 6710
D) RA 7016
  • 16. 16. The child shall present himself/herself to the competent authorities that imposed the diversion program for reporting and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.
A) at least twice a month
B) at least fourth times a month
C) at least once in two months
D) At least once a month
  • 17. 17.It shall be the policy of the State to protect and rehabilitate children gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect or will affect their?
A) Opportunities and goals
B) welfare and best interest
C) protection and normal development
D) survival and normal development
  • 18. 18. Refers to offenses where there is no private offended party.
A) Victimless crimes
B) Child prostitution
C) Child abuse
D) Sexual abuse
  • 19. 19. Children in conflict with the law whose cases have been dismissed by the proper court because of good behavior as per recommendation of the DSWD social worker and/or any accredited NGO youth rehabilitation center shall be provided after- care services by the local social welfare and development officer, in how many months?
A) for a period of at least sixteen (16) months
B) for a period of at least three (3) months
C) for a period of at least six (6) months
D) for a period of at least 12 (12) months
  • 20. 20. "Court" refers to a family court or, in places where there are no family courts, any____ court.
A) Regional trial court
B) Provincial trial court
C) Family court
D) Municipal trial court
  • 21. 21. Refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having committed offense under Philippine laws.
A) Child Deprived of Liberty
B) Arrested child
C) Child in conflict with the law
D) Initial Contact with the Law
  • 22. 22. The two representatives from NGOs are:
A) Secretary of Justice and Secretary of Department of Education
B) Secretary of Justice and Secretary of Department of the Interior and Local Government
C) Secretary of Justice and Secretary of Social Welfare and Development
D) Secretary of Justice and Secretary of Commission on Human Rights
  • 23. 23. It is a court that has original jurisdiction over persons defined by statute as juveniles and alleged to be delinquents or status offenders.
A) Juvenile court
B) Lupon
C) Court
D) Mediation
  • 24. 24. One of the concepts of adoption which one whose parents or legal guardian knowingly and willing fully relinquished parental authority to the DSWD or any duly accredited child-placement or child caring agency or institution.
A) Filiation
B) Voluntarily- committed child
C) supervised trial custody
D) child placing agency
  • 25. 25. The child or person being petitioned for adoption is called:
A) Adaptor
B) Adopter
C) Adoptee
D) Abortion
  • 26. 26. This is the expulsion of the fetus from the mother's womb.
A) Adoption
B) Foundling
C) Abortion
D) Filiation
  • 27. 27. It is defined as "the machinery of the state or government which enforces the rules of conduct necessary to protect children alleged as, accused of and adjudged as, having committed an offense under Philippine Laws".
A) Juvenile court system
B) Philippine justice system
C) Juvenile justice system
D) Juvenile
  • 28. 28. The first comprehensive juvenile court was established in in 1899 through the passage of their Juvenile Court Act of 1899 which set up an independent court to handle criminal law violations by children under sixteen (16) years of age, as well as to care for neglected, dependent, and wayward youths.
A) Laos
B) England
C) Illinois
D) Swetzerland
  • 29. 29. Refers to a deserted or abandoned infant or child whose parents, guardian or relatives are unknown:
A) Foundling
B) Adoption
C) Dependent
D) Filiation
  • 30. 30. An act by which relations of paternity and filiations are recognized as legally existing between persons not so related by nature the taking into one's family of the child of another, as son or daughter and heir, and conferring on it a title to the rights and privileges:
A) Adoption
B) Adoptee
C) Filiation
D) Abortion
  • 31. 31. One of the theories of children that one who is without a parent, guardian or custodian, or whose parents, guardians or other custodian for good cause desire to be relieved of his care and custody and is dependent upon the public for support.
A) Filiation
B) Independent
C) Foundling
D) Dependent
  • 32. 32. Middle-class civic leaders, who referred to themselves as child savers began to develop organizations and groups to help alleviate the burdens of the poor and immigrants by sponsoring shelter care for youths, educational and social activities and the development of settlement houses; this was called:
A) Juvenile jurisdiction
B) Child saving movement
C) Child rehabilitation center
D) Child saving
  • 33. 33. A system was created wherein church workers with the consent of justice of the peace identified vagrant, delinquent and neglected children and took measures to put them to work; these children were placed in workhouses until their adulthood.
A) 1601
B) 1635
C) 1610
D) 1535
  • 34. 34. One of the theories of children those with any behavioral disorder, whether functional or organic, which is of such a degree of severity as to require professional help or hospitalization.
A) Mentally-ill
B) Disabled
C) Physically handicapped
D) Mentally retarded
  • 35. 35. Neglect may occur in two ways, EXCEPT;
A) Physical neglect
B) Emotional neglect
C) Psychological neglect
  • 36. 36. Two kinds of abortion, EXCEPT;
A) Therapeutic abortion
B) Criminal abortion
C) Illegal abortion
  • 37. 37. A child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of the commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal liability. However, the child shall be subjected to an intervention program pursuant to Section 20 of this Act.
A) Qualifying of age
B) Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
C) Determination of age
D) Maximum Age of Criminal Responsiblity
  • 38. 38. It refers to the person in authority or his/her agent as defined in Article 152 of the Revised Penal Code, including a barangay tanod.
A) Lupon
B) Law enforcement officer
C) Brgy.officials
D) None of the above
  • 39. 39. It refers to a series of activities which are designed to address issues that caused the child to commit an offense.
A) Diversion
B) Diversion program
C) Intervention
D) Recognizance
  • 40. 40. It refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances:
A) Child in conflict with the law
B) Child at risk
C) Child
D) Child abuse
  • 41. 41. What should be the age of the child shall likewise be exempt from criminal liability and be subjected to an intervention program, unless he/she has acted with discernment, in which case, such child shall be subjected to the appropriate proceedings in accordance with this Act.
A) above eighteen (18) years but below twenty-one (21) years of age
B) above thirteen (13) years but below fifteen (15) years of age
C) above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age
D) above fourteen (14) years but below seventeen (17) years of age
  • 42. 42. Every child in conflict with the law shall have the following rights, including but not limited to:
A) the right shall be imposed a sentence of capital punishment or life imprisonment, without the possibility of release
B) the right to be deprived, unlawfully or arbitrarily, of his/her liberty, detention or imprisonment being a disposition of last resort, and which shall be for the shortest appropriate period of time;
C) The right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
D) dont have the right to bail and recognizance, in appropriate cases;
  • 43. 43. Under section 7. The child in conflict with the law shall enjoy the presumption of minority. He/she shall enjoy all the rights of a child in conflict with the law until he/she is proven to be eighteen (18) years old or older.
A) Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
B) Determination of age
C) Maximum Age of Criminal Responsibility
D) Qualifying of age
  • 44. 44. It refers to a 24-hour child-caring institution managed by accredited local government units (LGUs) and licensed and/or accredited nongovernment organizations (NGOs) providing short-term residential care for children in conflict with the law who are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to other agencies or jurisdiction.
A) Youth rehabilitation center
B) Youth recreational program
C) Youth detention home
D) All of these
  • 45. 45. The exploitation of children, whether male or female, by coercing them into indulging in sexual intercourse or lascivious condort for money, profit or any other consideration.
A) Child abuse
B) Sexual abuse
C) Victimless crimes
D) Child prostitution
  • 46. 46. It refers to any act or omission whether punishable under special laws or the Revised Penal Code, as amended.
A) Violation
B) Disobeying
C) Crime
D) Offense
  • 47. 47. It refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of a child in conflict with the law-by-law enforcement officers or private citizens.
A) Child offender
B) Child in conflict with the law
C) Initial contact with the child
D) Status offenses
  • 48. 48. It refers to the security given for the release of the person intervention diversion in custody of the law, furnished by him/her or a bondsman, to guarantee his/her appearance before any court. This is may be given in the form of corporate security, property bond, cash deposit, or recognizance.
A) Bail
B) Torts
C) Compensation
D) Payment
  • 49. 49. Here are some examples of victimless crime, except;
A) Suicide
B) Gambling
C) Trespassing
D) Prostitution
  • 50. 50. For purpose of recommending the amount of bail, the privileged_____circumstance of minority shall be considered.
A) Exempting
B) Mitigating
C) Qualifying
D) Reclusion temporal
  • 51. 51. A child in conflict with law may undergo conferencing____or conciliation outside the criminal justice system or prior to his entry into said system.
A) Restitution
B) Mediation
C) Conference
D) Reparation
  • 52. 52. Limited at the level of the punong barangay______of the damage caused.
A) Conferencing
B) Restitution
C) Mediation
D) Reparation
  • 53. 53. Limited at the level of the punong barangay_____of property.
A) Mitigating
B) Punong barangay
C) Mediation
D) Restitution
  • 54. 54. Diversion may be conducted at the_____,the police investigation or the inquest or preliminary investigation stage and at all levels And phases of the proceedings including judicial level.
A) Lupon
B) Law enforcement
C) Judicial level
D) Punong barangay
  • 55. 55. The data gathered shall not be used by the JJWC in the improvement of the administration of juvenile justice and welfare system.
A) False
B) True
C) Maybe
D) Absolutely true
  • 56. 56. One of the duties and function of JJWC is to submit annually report to the President on the implementation of this Act.
A) True
B) Absolutely true
C) Maybe
D) False
  • 57. 57. The JJWC shall be chaired by an undersecretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development.
A) True
B) Maybe
C) False
D) None of these
  • 58. 58. One of the procedures in taking the child into custody is to take the child immediately to the proper medical and health officer for a thorough spiritual and mental examination.
A) True
B) False
C) No
D) Yes
  • 59. 59. One of the procedures in taking the child into custody, avoid violence or unnecessary force.
A) Absolutely true
B) False
C) Maybe
D) True
  • 60. 60. Record the following in the initial investigation; whether handcuffs or other instruments restraint were unused, and if so, the reason for such.
A) Yes
B) False
C) No
D) True
  • 61. 61. Ensure that all statements signed is unnecessary by the child during investigation and shall be witnessed by the child's parents or guardian, social worker, or legal counsel in attendance who shall affix his/her signature to the said statement.
A) False
B) True
C) Yes
D) Maybe
  • 62. 62. The examination results shall not be kept confidential unless otherwise ordered by the Family Court.
A) Absolutely true
B) False
C) False
D) Absolutely false
  • 63. 63. One of the examples of victimless crime is prostitution.
A) False
B) Yes
C) True
D) No
  • 64. 64. Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed exceeds six (six) years imprisonment, diversion measures may be resorted to only by the court.
A) False
B) True
C) No
D) Yes
  • 65. 65. CWC stands for?
A) Council for the wisdom of children
B) Council for the welfare of children
C) Council for the wants of children
D) Council for the welfare of child
  • 66. 66. DepEd stands for?
A) Department of education
B) Department of ecosystem
C) Department of indemnity
D) Department of economic
  • 67. 67. DILG stands for?
A) Department of Local Government
B) Department of the interior and Locality Government
C) Department of the Interior and Local Government
D) Department of instigation and Local Government
  • 68. 68. PAO stands for?
A) Private Attorney's Office
B) Public Attorney's Office
C) Public Attorney Office
D) Public Office
  • 69. 69. BUCOR stands for?
A) Bureau of corecttions
B) Bereau of corrections
C) Bureau of corrections
D) Bureau of Correction
  • 70. 70. PPA stands for?
A) Parole and probation accountant
B) Probation and parole administer
C) Parole and probation
D) Parole and probation Administration
  • 71. 71. NYC stands for?
A) National commission
B) National youth commission
C) New york City
D) National youth course
  • 72. 72. TESDA stands for?
A) Technical skills development authority
B) Technology education and skills development authority
C) Technician education skin development authority
D) Technical education and skills development authority
  • 73. 73. CHR stands for?
A) Commission on humanity rights
B) Comission on human rights
C) Commission on human rights
D) Commision on humane rights
  • 74. 74. BJMP Stands for?
A) Bureau of jail and penology
B) Bureau of jail management and penology
C) Bureua of jail management and penology
D) Bureau of jail manage and penology
  • 75. 75. DOJ Stands for?
A) Department of justice
B) Department of judgement
C) Department of unjudged
D) Department of jail
  • 76. 76. DSWD Stands for?
A) Department of social welfare
B) Department of welfare and development
C) Department of social council and development
D) Department of social welfare and development
  • 77. 78. PNP stands for?
A) Philippine police
B) Philippine and policia
C) Philippine national police
D) Phillippine nation police
  • 78. 79. a system was created wherein church workers with the consent of justice of the peace identified vagrant, delinquent and neglected children and took measures to put them to work; these children were placed in workhouses until their adulthood.
A) 1630
B) 1535
C) 1601
D) 1610
  • 79. 80. It protected the property rights and welfare of minor children who could not care for themselves. The courts dealt with issues of guardianship and the use and control of property. The courts operated under the parens patriae philosophy which held that children were under the protective control of the state.
A) Poor laws
B) Juvenile justice system
C) American system
D) Chancery courts
  • 80. 81. The practice of indenture and chancery courts in England were adopted by the states of Virginia, Connecticut and Massachusetts, however, those youths who committed serious criminal offenses continued to be tried in the same courts as adults.
A) Poor laws
B) Juvenile justice system
C) Chancery courts
D) American system
  • 81. 82. in case of absence or death of both parents, substitute parental authority shall be given in the following, EXCEPT;
A) Grandparents
B) Friends
C) Oldest brother or sisters at least 21 years of age
D) Relative who has actual custody of the child/ guardian duly appointed by the court
  • 82. 83. in case of separation of parents, no child under SEVEN (7) years of age shall be separated from his mother unless the court decide otherwise.
A) Grandparents
B) Substitute parental authority
C) Friends
D) Legal custody
  • 83. 84. One who had no proper parental care or guardianship or whose parents or guardians have deserted him for period of at least six consecutive months(PD 603)
A) Abandoned
B) Dependent
C) Neglected
D) Adoption
  • 84. 85. Socially incompetent, socially inadequate, occupationally incompetent and unable to manage their own affairs.
A) Mentally ill
B) Physically handicapped
C) Mentally retarded
D) Disabled
  • 85. 86. The acknowledgement of the father of his relationship with the child, also called paternity.
A) Filiation
B) Foundling
C) Adopter
D) Adoptee
  • 86. 87. a child who has been voluntarily or involuntarily committed to the DSWD or to a duly licensed and accredited child-placing or child-caring agency, freed of the parental authority of his or her biological parents or guardians or adopter, in case of rescission - refers to a child in whose favor a certification was issued by the DSWD that he or she legally available for adoption after the fact is abandonment or neglect has been proven through the submission of pertinent documents, or one who was voluntarily committed by his or her parents or legal guardian.
A) Child placing agency or institution
B) Child caring agency institution
C) Child legally available for adoption
D) Voluntarily committed child
  • 87. 88. a period of time within which a social worker oversees the adjustment and emotional readiness of both adopter and adoptee in stabilizing their filial relationship the period is at least 6 months rescission of adoption.
A) Voluntarily committed child
B) Child legally available for adoption
C) None of these
D) Supervised trial custody
  • 88. 89. refers to a principle which requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of the victim, the offender and the community. It seeks to obtain reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the offender, the offended and the community, and reassurance to the offender that he/she can be reintegrated into society. It also enhances public safety by activating the offender, the brutal vietim and the community in prevention strategies.
A) Mediation
B) Status offenses
C) Restorative justice
D) Offense
  • 89. 90. refers to a 24-hour residential care facility managed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), LGUs, licensed and/or accredited NGOs monitored by the DSWD, which provides care, treatment and rehabilitation services for children in conflict with the law. Rehabilitation services are provided under the guidance of a trained staff where residents are cared for under a structured therapeutic environment with the end view of reintegrating them into their families and communities as socially functioning individuals. Physical mobility of residents of said centers may be restricted pending court disposition of the charges against them.
A) Youth rehabilitation center
B) Child saving
C) Child saving movement
D) Youth detention home
  • 90. 91. refers to a system dealing with children at risk and children in conflict with the law, which provides child-appropriate proceedings, including programs and services for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and aftercare to ensure their normal growth and development.
A) Juvenile
B) Philippine justice syestem
C) Juvenile justice system
D) Juvenile justice and welfare system
  • 91. 92. refers to the totality of the circumstances and conditions which are most congenial to the survival, protection and feelings of security of the child and most encouraging to the child's physical, psychological and emotional development. It also means the least detrimental available alternative for safeguarding the growth and development of the child.
A) Child
B) Child in conflict with the law
C) Best interest of the child
D) Child at risk
  • 92. 93. Child and youth welfare code
A) PD 603
B) RA 603
C) RA 7610
D) RA 8552
  • 93. 94. Anti trafficking and persons act
A) RA 9208
B) RA 9024
C) RA 9028
D) RA 9204
  • 94. 95. Law amending RA 7610 on working children
A) RA 9312
B) RA 9231
C) RA 9321
D) RA 9221
  • 95. 96. Law on the use of father's surname of illegitimate children
A) RA 9255
B) RA 9552
C) RA 9225
D) RA 9262
  • 96. 97. Law amending the laws on adoption
A) RA 9323
B) RA 9523
C) RA 9344
D) RA 9423
  • 97. 98. Anti child pornography act
A) RA 9455
B) RA 9344
C) RA 9755
D) RA 9775
  • 98. 99. Law amending the age of majority.
A) RA 9344
B) RA 6908
C) RA 9356
D) RA 6809
  • 99. 100. Laws on adoption
A) RA 8522 and RA 8043
B) RA 8643 and RA 8043
C) RA 8045
D) RA 8552 and RA 8043
  • 100. 101. Anti violence against women and their children
A) RA 9662
B) RA 9262
C) RA 9242
D) RA 9252
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