Violeta Parra: Folk Music Icon
  • 1. What was Violeta Parra known for?
A) Jazz
B) Reggae
C) Folk music
D) Opera
  • 2. In which country was Violeta Parra born?
A) Argentina
B) Uruguay
C) Chile
D) Peru
  • 3. What was the name of the famous song written by Violeta Parra about social inequality?
A) Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)
B) Gracias a la Vida
C) Livin' la Vida Loca
D) Despacito
  • 4. Which event is Violeta Parra credited with starting in Chile?
A) The New Chilean Song Movement
B) Bachata Rebellion
C) Cumbia Revolution
D) Tango Evolution
  • 5. In which field did Violeta Parra also excel, besides music?
A) Culinary arts
B) Astronomy
C) Visual arts
D) Physics
  • 6. Violeta Parra's works have been instrumental in promoting Chilean ______ and culture.
A) Folklore
B) Pop culture
C) Fashion
D) Video games
  • 7. Which of these languages did Violeta Parra primarily sing in?
A) French
B) Spanish
C) German
D) Russian
  • 8. Violeta Parra was a pioneer in blending traditional folk music with ______ influences.
A) Hip hop
B) Electronic
C) Contemporary
D) Classical
  • 9. What impact did Violeta Parra have on the Latin American music scene?
A) She invented a new genre of music
B) She influenced future generations of musicians
C) She introduced opera to South America
D) She created a record label
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