History of Rwanda
  • 1. The history of Rwanda is characterized by a complex mix of indigenous, colonial, and post-colonial influences. Pre-colonial Rwanda was traditionally organized into a decentralized monarchy with a strong central authority. The colonial period saw Rwanda come under German and later Belgian rule, leading to the imposition of divisive policies that exacerbated ethnic tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi communities. This culminated in the tragic 1994 genocide, where an estimated 800,000 Rwandans, mostly Tutsis, were brutally killed in a period of just 100 days. Since then, Rwanda has focused on reconciliation, reconstruction, and development, experiencing remarkable progress in various sectors such as economy, education, and healthcare. Today, Rwanda is known for its efforts towards unity and nation-building, as well as its commitment to sustainable development and social cohesion.

    What was the name of the ethnic group that made up the majority of the population in Rwanda before colonization?
A) Hutu
B) Belgians
C) Tutsi
D) Twa
  • 2. The Rwandan Genocide occurred in which year?
A) 2000
B) 1967
C) 1994
D) 1983
  • 3. What was the estimated number of people killed during the Rwandan Genocide?
A) 1 million
B) 800,000
C) 300,000
D) 500,000
  • 4. What was the radio station that played a significant role in inciting violence during the genocide?
C) Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM)
D) Al Jazeera
  • 5. Which international tribunal was established to prosecute those responsible for the Rwandan Genocide?
A) Rwanda Supreme Court
B) International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
C) International Court of Justice
D) United Nations Security Council
  • 6. Who became the President of Rwanda after the genocide?
A) Juvenal Habyarimana
B) Paul Kagame
C) Aloys Simba
D) Théodore Sindikubwabo
  • 7. In what year did Rwanda gain independence from Belgium?
A) 1988
B) 1950
C) 1962
D) 1975
  • 8. What is the capital city of Rwanda?
A) Lusaka
B) Kigali
C) Nairobi
D) Kampala
  • 9. Which agreement sought to end the violence in Rwanda by forming a power-sharing government?
A) Versailles Treaty
B) Arusha Accords
C) Geneva Convention
D) Camp David Accords
  • 10. Who was the United Nations peacekeeper commander in Rwanda during the genocide?
A) Dag Hammarskjöld
B) Kofi Annan
C) Roméo Dallaire
D) Ban Ki-moon
  • 11. Which neighboring country supported the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) rebels that eventually ended the genocide?
A) Uganda
B) Democratic Republic of the Congo
C) Burundi
D) Tanzania
  • 12. What is the major language spoken in Rwanda?
A) Swahili
B) English
C) French
D) Kinyarwanda
  • 13. Who was the first democratically elected President of Rwanda?
A) Pasteur Bizimungu
B) Agathe Uwilingiyimana
C) Juvenal Habyarimana
D) Paul Kagame
  • 14. Which colonial power favored the Tutsis over the Hutus, exacerbating ethnic tensions in Rwanda?
A) France
B) Britain
C) Germany
D) Belgium
  • 15. What is the name of the commemoration period in Rwanda to honor the victims of the genocide?
A) Imivugo
B) Ubukwe
C) Kwibuka
D) Gacaca
  • 16. Who was the Prime Minister of Rwanda from 1992 to 1993 and was killed at the onset of the genocide?
A) Pasteur Bizimungu
B) Théodore Sindikubwabo
C) Agathe Uwilingiyimana
D) Paul Kagame
  • 17. What was the name of the tribe that served as the traditional healers and hunters in Rwandan society?
A) Baganda
B) Twa
C) Hutu
D) Tutsi
  • 18. Which city in Rwanda is known for its annual traditional dance festival?
A) Nyamata
B) Kigali
C) Butare
D) Gisenyi
  • 19. Which European country colonized Rwanda in the late 19th century?
A) Germany
B) Belgium
C) Portugal
D) France
  • 20. Which region of Africa is Rwanda located in?
A) East Africa
B) West Africa
C) Central Africa
D) Southern Africa
  • 21. What is Umuganda in Rwanda?
A) Traditional Dance
B) Religious Ceremony
C) Community Service
D) Landmark
  • 22. Who served as the United Nations Secretary-General during the Rwandan genocide?
A) Dag Hammarskjöld
B) Boutros Boutros-Ghali
C) Kofi Annan
D) Ban Ki-moon
  • 23. What is the currency of Rwanda?
A) Rwandan Peso
B) Rwandan Dollar
C) Rwandan Euro
D) Rwandan Franc
  • 24. Who was the first President of Rwanda following the end of the monarchy?
A) Paul Kagame
B) Pasteur Bizimungu
C) Agathe Uwilingiyimana
D) Grégoire Kayibanda
  • 25. What is the traditional Rwandan dance characterized by rapid, synchronized movements called?
A) IsiRwu
B) Intore
C) Umureengo
D) Imishanga
  • 26. What is the name of Rwanda's highest mountain?
A) Mount Karisimbi
B) Mount Muhabura
C) Mount Gahinga
D) Mount Sabyinyo
  • 27. What is the meaning of the Rwandan phrase 'Muraho'?
A) Yes
B) Thank You
C) Hello
D) Goodbye
  • 28. Which Rwandan political party led the country during the colonial period and advocated for Hutu empowerment?
B) Parmehutu
D) MDR-Power
  • 29. What is the traditional Rwandan beer made from bananas called?
A) Umubisi
B) Ikigage
C) Urwagwa
D) Icyapa
  • 30. In what year was the Arusha Accords signed between the Rwandan government and Tutsi rebels?
A) 1990
B) 1993
C) 1999
D) 1996
  • 31. Which country played a significant role in the peacekeeping efforts in Rwanda during the genocide?
A) Russia
B) China
C) France
D) United States
  • 32. Which country hosted peace talks that led to the signing of the Arusha Accords?
A) Uganda
B) Kenya
C) Burundi
D) Tanzania
  • 33. What international organization failed to prevent or effectively intervene during the Rwandan genocide?
A) United Nations
B) African Union
C) European Union
  • 34. Which genocide suspect was the first to be convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda?
A) Pauline Nyiramasuhuko
B) Elizaphan Ntakirutimana
C) Ferdinand Nahimana
D) Jean-Paul Akayesu
  • 35. Which lake forms part of Rwanda's western border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Lake Kivu
B) Lake Victoria
C) Lake Malawi
D) Lake Tanganyika
  • 36. What is the name of the Rwandan national soccer team?
A) Amavubi
B) Black Stars
C) Super Eagles
D) Simbas
  • 37. What resource played a role in fueling conflict in the Great Lakes region, including Rwanda?
A) Diamonds
B) Oil
C) Coltan
D) Gold
  • 38. In what year did Rwanda officially join the East African Community?
A) 2000
B) 1994
C) 2010
D) 2007
  • 39. What was the language of instruction in Rwandan schools during Belgian colonial rule?
A) German
B) English
C) French
D) Dutch
  • 40. Which UN mission failed to prevent the 1994 genocide in Rwanda?
  • 41. Which Rwandan national park is home to the endangered mountain gorillas?
A) Nyungwe Forest National Park
B) Volcanoes National Park
C) Akagera National Park
D) Gishwati-Mukura National Park
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