SS 1 Government 1st Term Exam
  • 1. 1. A person who act with de-jure authority acts on ______
A) Behalf of himself because he think he could do so
B) On behalf of others who have assigned him
C) Based on the power he has in his office
D) Act on behalf of the followers because he want to lead them right
  • 2. 2. Which of the following is not a component of political culture?
A) Emotions
B) Societal values
C) Beliefs
D) Age
  • 3. 3. Which of the following is not the function of the government?
A) Provision of all the material needs of all citizens
B) Maintenance of relations with other states
C) Defence of territory from external attacks
D) Provision of free Education
  • 4. 4. Forms of power which is derived from the people and the Constitution is ______
A) Political power
B) Military power
C) Physical power
D) Executive power
  • 5. 5. The right to freedom of speech means that people are free to ______
A) Express anything they like about government
B) Disobey the government of the day
C) Participate in government
D) Express opinions within the limits of the law
  • 6. 6. A state is a special form of human association because it ______
A) Has a legitimate monopoly of life and death penalties over its citizens
B) Has a constitution approved by the citizens
C) Can punish law breakers
D) Has a government
  • 7. 7. A citizen expresses loyalty to his nation by ______
A) Lobbying for ministerial appointment
B) Singing the national anthem when required
C) Supporting political parties
D) Participating in sport
  • 8. 8. The institution through which government discharge responsibilities is known as _____
A) Organs of government
B) National assembly
C) Political party
D) Pressure groups
  • 9. 9. The following are types of Sovereignty except _____
A) De-facto Sovereignty
B) Delegated Sovereignty
C) Internal Sovereignty
D) Legal Sovereignty
  • 10. 10. Which of the following is related to government as a process of governing?
A) Abrogation of Fundamental Human Rights
B) The role of pressure groups within the state
C) Implementation and adjudication of law
D) Disagreement between state and local governments
  • 11. 11. In a democracy, political Sovereignty resides with the ______
A) Electorate
B) President
C) Military
D) Legislature
  • 12. 12. Right to rule based on norms, customs and conventions of the people is referred to as ______
A) Charismatic authority
B) Traditional authority
C) Legal authority
D) Rational authority
  • 13. 13. A political concept that is composed of the attitudes, beliefs, emotions and values of a society is called _____
A) Political authority
B) Political culture
C) Political party
D) Political socialization
  • 14. 14. The scholar who defined sovereignty as an absolute power vested in one authority was ______
A) Jean Bodin
B) John Austin
C) A.V. Dicey
D) Baron Montesquieu
  • 15. 15. Obedience to the laws of the state is a part of one's _____
A) Duties
B) Requirements
C) Privileges
D) Rights
  • 16. 16. Power can be described as the _____
A) Capacity to compel or influence others to act in a certain way
B) Ability of the he executive to encourage pressure groups to go on strike
C) Capacity of the government to encourage communities to embark on self-help projects
D) Ability of legislature to delegate its right of law-making to another body
  • 17. 17. The two components of Sovereignty are
A) Influence and political authority
B) Political Independence and supreme authority of the state within its territory
C) The rule of law and fundamental human rights
D) Political power and political authority
  • 18. 18. Government is defined as ______
A) A group of leaders that fights for the interest of their followers
B) A machinery established to punish offenders
C) A machinery established by the state to organise, manage its affairs and administer its function
D) A body of people employed to use power over the citizens
  • 19. 19. A government is legitimate if it _____
A) Provides social services for the people
B) Has the mandate of the people to rule
C) Comes to power through a coup d'etat
D) Is not oppressive
  • 20. 20. The study of government offers individual all the following except a ______
A) Training to become a judge
B) Training on good Citizenship
C) Basis of career opportunities
D) Knowledge on the process of government
  • 21. 21. Sovereignty implies all the following except _____
A) A state of political Independence
B) Unlimited power of a state to make and enforce laws
C) The supremacy of the political parties
D) The highest authority in a state
  • 22. 22. Popular Sovereignty is located in the ______
A) Police
B) Opinion leaders
C) Electorate
D) Military
  • 23. 23. Which of the following is a basic component of political culture?
A) Cultural development
B) Cultural display
C) Cognitive orientation
D) Cultural design
  • 24. 24. The Citizenship of a country may be acquired by _____
A) Neutralization
B) Nationalization
C) Naturalization
D) Decolonization
  • 25. 25. Government as an academic field of study refers to the _____
A) Membership for f international organizations
B) Working of the organs of government
C) Study of political institutions and processes
D) President and his ministers
  • 26. 26. A state performs all the following functions except ______
A) Providing social services
B) Promoting the welfare of the citizens
C) Encouraging trade with other states
D) Encouraging the struggle for power
  • 27. 27. Which of the following groups has a compulsory membership?
A) Society
B) State
C) Community
D) Club
  • 28. 28. A government which has the ability to compel its citizens to obedience is said to be exercising ______
A) Power
B) Coercion
C) Authority
D) Legitimacy
  • 29. 29. A government's supreme power to demand obedience from its citizens demonstrates the notion of _____
A) Parliamentary supremacy
B) Rule of law
C) Sovereignty
D) Separation of power
  • 30. 30. A form of government that places political power in the hands of a few people is _____
A) Authoritarianism
B) Oligarchy
C) Parliamentary government
D) Feudalism
  • 31. 31. Government as the act of governing means the ______
A) Orders of judiciary and legislature
B) Activities by which government policies are made and implemented
C) Activities of pressure groups and political parties
D) Act of vetoing bill
  • 32. 32. The legislative organ of government is the body which _____
A) Punishes the law breakers
B) Implement laws and policies
C) Makes the law
D) Interprets the law
  • 33. 33. A sovereign state is one
A) Whose citizens are free to avoid responsibilities
B) Whose government decisions are made independent of foreign interference
C) In which sovereignty is invested in the military
D) Where its citizens can speak without fear or favour
  • 34. 34. Power is transformed into authority through _____
A) Inheritance
B) Legitimacy
C) Force
D) Influence
  • 35. 35. It is not the duty or obligations of a citizen to _____
A) Register for election
B) Report any criminal acts
C) Defend the country from attacks
D) Check the activities of the government
  • 36. 36. The body that makes law and enforces same in the state is the ______
A) Legal Sovereignty
B) Political Sovereignty
C) Government sovereignty
D) Military Sovereignty
  • 37. 37. Location of a sovereignty in a state include _____
A) In a federal state
B) In a Unitary state
C) All of the above
D) In a monarch
  • 38. 38. A form of government where the best citizens rule is ______
A) Plutocracy
B) Aristocracy
C) Unitary
D) Oligarchy
  • 39. 39. A form of government where the state is ruled by the wealthy class is _______
A) Theocracy
B) Plutocracy
C) Autocracy
D) Aristocracy
  • 40. 40. The primary function of the government in a state is to _____
A) Maintain law and order
B) Build schools and hospitals
C) Imprison criminals
D) Provide transport services
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