Judaism/ Jewish studies
  • 1. Jewish studies, also known as Judaic studies, is an academic discipline that explores the history, culture, literature, philosophy, and religious teachings of Judaism. Through the study of Jewish texts, traditions, and belief systems, scholars and students gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish faith, its practices, and its impact on society. Jewish studies also examines the diversity and richness of Jewish life and thought, spanning different time periods, geographical locations, and cultural influences. By delving into the complexities of Jewish identity, values, and experiences, this field of study contributes to the broader dialogue on religion, history, and human civilization.

    Who is considered the founder of Judaism?
A) Moses
B) Solomon
C) Abraham
D) David
  • 2. What is the Jewish New Year called?
A) Hanukkah
B) Yom Kippur
C) Purim
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 3. Which Jewish holiday celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt?
A) Sukkot
B) Passover
C) Purim
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 4. What is the name of the Jewish prayer book?
A) Siddur
B) Tanakh
C) Talmud
D) Torah
  • 5. What is the common term for the Jewish place of worship?
A) Temple
B) Church
C) Cathedral
D) Synagogue
  • 6. Which Jewish holiday commemorates the victory of the Maccabees over the Greeks?
A) Hanukkah
B) Purim
C) Yom Kippur
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 7. What is the name of the Jewish coming-of-age ceremony for boys?
A) Havdalah
B) Kiddush
C) Bar Mitzvah
D) Bat Mitzvah
  • 8. In Jewish dietary laws, what is the term for food that is permissible to eat?
A) Gluten-free
B) Halal
C) Kosher
D) Vegetarian
  • 9. What is the Hebrew name for the first five books of the Bible?
A) Tanakh
B) Talmud
C) Mishnah
D) Torah
  • 10. What is the Jewish day of atonement?
A) Purim
B) Sukkot
C) Yom Kippur
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 11. What is the name for the little hat traditionally worn by Jewish men?
A) Yarmulke
B) Tallit
C) Kippah
D) Tzitzit
  • 12. What is the Jewish festival of booths?
A) Purim
B) Hanukkah
C) Sukkot
D) Passover
  • 13. Who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt?
A) Solomon
B) Moses
C) Abraham
D) David
  • 14. In Jewish tradition, who is believed to have built the first temple in Jerusalem?
A) King Herod
B) King Solomon
C) King David
D) King Saul
  • 15. What is the Jewish garden holiday celebrated in late winter?
A) Purim
B) Sukkot
C) Hanukkah
D) Tu B'Shevat
  • 16. What is the Jewish day of love and friendship in mid-February?
A) Shavuot
B) Tu B'Av
C) Yom Kippur
D) Rosh Hashanah
  • 17. What is the Jewish day of the start of the new month?
A) Purim
B) Rosh Chodesh
C) Shabbat
D) Yom Kippur
  • 18. What is the traditional Jewish wedding contract called?
A) Chuppah
B) Get
C) Mikvah
D) Ketubah
  • 19. Who is considered to be the father of the 12 tribes of Israel?
A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) Isaac
D) Jacob
  • 20. What is the Jewish mystical tradition?
A) Kabbalah
B) Midrash
C) Mishnah
D) Haggadah
  • 21. Which ancient Jewish text contains commentary on the Mishnah?
A) Mishnah
B) Zohar
C) Mishneh Torah
D) Gemara
  • 22. What is the Jewish festival celebrating the giving of the Torah?
A) Hanukkah
B) Purim
C) Sukkot
D) Shavuot
  • 23. What is the Jewish mourning period called?
A) Yahrzeit
B) Kaddish
C) Shiva
D) Tahara
  • 24. What is the Jewish memorial service for the deceased called?
A) Tahara
B) Hesped
C) Shiva
D) Yahrzeit
  • 25. Where is the Wailing Wall located?
A) Tel Aviv
B) Haifa
C) Bethlehem
D) Jerusalem
  • 26. How many commandments are in the Torah?
A) 10
B) 100
C) 613
D) 365
  • 27. What is the Jewish Sabbath typically called?
A) Seder
B) Tikkun Olam
C) Yahrzeit
D) Shabbat
  • 28. Which important symbol is often associated with Judaism?
A) Star of David
B) Crescent Moon
C) Cross
D) Om
  • 29. What is the Jewish dietary law called?
A) Tikkun Olam
B) Halal
C) Sabbath
D) Kashrut
  • 30. Which language is traditionally used in Jewish prayer and study?
A) Latin
B) Arabic
C) Yiddish
D) Hebrew
  • 31. What is the Jewish wedding canopy called?
A) Chuppah
B) Dreidel
C) Menorah
D) Kippah
  • 32. Who was the first female Prime Minister of Israel?
A) Margaret Thatcher
B) Benazir Bhutto
C) Angela Merkel
D) Golda Meir
  • 33. Which Jewish holiday celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from Haman's plot to annihilate them?
A) Hanukkah
B) Passover
C) Purim
D) Yom Kippur
  • 34. In Jewish tradition, what is the number of Judges needed for a Minyan?
A) 5
B) 10
C) 12
D) 7
  • 35. What is the Jewish title for a teacher or religious leader?
A) Rabbi
B) Scholar
C) Mensch
D) Cantor
  • 36. The most important prayer in Judaism is called?
A) Namaste
B) Salat
C) Amen
D) Shema
  • 37. What term is used for the gathering of Jewish students and teachers to study traditional texts?
A) Madrasa
B) Monastery
C) Pagoda
D) Yeshiva
  • 38. What is the Jewish ritual of circumcision called?
A) Wedding
B) Brit Milah
C) Baptism
D) Confirmation
  • 39. Which is the first book of the Torah?
A) Exodus
B) Leviticus
C) Numbers
D) Genesis
  • 40. What is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism?
A) Midrash
B) Talmud
C) Zohar
D) Torah
  • 41. How many candles are lit during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah on the menorah?
A) 7
B) 12
C) 9
D) 8
  • 42. What do Jewish people traditionally eat during Passover?
A) Borscht
B) Matzah
C) Latkes
D) Challah
  • 43. In Jewish tradition, what is the term for the act of charity?
A) Tzedakah
B) Shalom
C) L'Chaim
D) Baruch
  • 44. What is the Jewish term for a kosher supervisor responsible for ensuring food conforms to Jewish dietary laws?
A) Mohel
B) Rabbi
C) Cantor
D) Mashgiach
  • 45. Who was the first female judge appointed by God in Jewish tradition?
A) Miriam
B) Ruth
C) Deborah
D) Esther
  • 46. What is the Hebrew term for the act of reciting blessings before and after eating?
A) Kiddush
B) Birkat Hamazon
C) Havdallah
D) Tachanun
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