Neil Armstrong becomes first man to walk on Moon
  • 1. When did Neil Armstrong become the first man to walk on the Moon?
A) 1980
B) 1959
C) 1969
D) 1970
  • 2. Which Apollo mission was Neil Armstrong a part of when he walked on the Moon?
A) Apollo 11
B) Apollo 1
C) Apollo 13
D) Apollo 17
  • 3. Which country was Neil Armstrong from?
A) United States
B) China
C) India
D) Russia
  • 4. Which famous words did Neil Armstrong say when he first stepped on the Moon?
A) That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
B) Beam me up, Scotty
C) Houston, we have a problem
D) To infinity and beyond
  • 5. Who was the second person to walk on the Moon after Neil Armstrong?
A) Buzz Aldrin
B) Alan Shepard
C) Michael Collins
D) John Glenn
  • 6. What was the name of the lunar module that Neil Armstrong piloted to the Moon's surface?
A) Endeavour
B) Discovery
C) Columbia
D) Eagle
  • 7. How many people were part of the Apollo 11 crew?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 5
D) 4
  • 8. What was the name of the command module used in the Apollo 11 mission?
A) Endeavour
B) Discovery
C) Columbia
D) Eagle
  • 9. Which U.S. president was in office when Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon?
A) Lyndon B. Johnson
B) Ronald Reagan
C) Richard Nixon
D) John F. Kennedy
  • 10. What is the capital of the United States?
A) Chicago
B) Los Angeles
C) Washington, D.C.
D) New York City
  • 11. Which organization was responsible for the Apollo missions?
B) Roscosmos
  • 12. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
A) Jupiter
B) Saturn
C) Neptune
D) Mars
  • 13. Who was the first person to travel into space?
A) Buzz Aldrin
B) Yuri Gagarin
C) Alan Shepard
D) John Glenn
  • 14. What is the profession of a person who studies the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies?
A) Botanist
B) Geologist
C) Astronomer
D) Physicist
  • 15. In which month and year did the Apollo 11 mission land on the Moon?
A) September 1969
B) August 1969
C) July 1969
D) June 1969
  • 16. What is the process by which a solid becomes a gas without passing through the liquid state called?
A) Sublimation
B) Melting
C) Condensation
D) Evaporation
  • 17. Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?
A) Alan Shepard
B) Scott Carpenter
C) Gus Grissom
D) John Glenn
  • 18. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
A) Jupiter
B) Mars
C) Venus
D) Earth
  • 19. What is the largest ocean on Earth?
A) Atlantic Ocean
B) Indian Ocean
C) Arctic Ocean
D) Pacific Ocean
  • 20. What is the main gas found in Earth's atmosphere?
A) Nitrogen
B) Argon
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Oxygen
  • 21. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
A) Earth
B) Venus
C) Mars
D) Mercury
  • 22. What is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way?
A) Small Magellanic Cloud
B) Triangulum
C) Andromeda
D) Orion
  • 23. What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar system located on Mars?
A) Mount Etna
B) Olympus Mons
C) Mount Everest
D) Mauna Loa
  • 24. Which celestial event occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth?
A) Solar eclipse
B) Lunar eclipse
C) Asteroid impact
D) Meteor shower
  • 25. How long did Neil Armstrong spend walking on the Moon's surface during his first moonwalk?
A) 3 hours and 15 minutes
B) 30 minutes
C) 1 hour and 45 minutes
D) 2 hours and 31 minutes
  • 26. Where did the Apollo 11 spacecraft launch from?
A) Johnson Space Center
B) Cape Canaveral
C) Kennedy Space Center
D) Vandenberg Air Force Base
  • 27. What university did Neil Armstrong attend for his undergraduate studies?
A) Purdue University
B) Harvard University
C) Yale University
D) Stanford University
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