• 1. Who was the President of the United States in 1900?
A) William McKinley
B) Grover Cleveland
C) Woodrow Wilson
D) Theodore Roosevelt
  • 2. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in which year?
A) 1910
B) 1905
C) 1899
D) 1901
  • 3. Who composed the opera 'Cavalleria Rusticana', which premiered in 1900?
A) Pietro Mascagni
B) Giuseppe Verdi
C) Giacomo Puccini
D) Richard Wagner
  • 4. What major event occurred in the Galveston, Texas in 1900?
A) Hurricane
B) Flood
C) Earthquake
D) Tornado
  • 5. Which famous artist died at the age of 37 in 1900?
A) Vincent van Gogh
B) Claude Monet
C) Henri Matisse
D) Pablo Picasso
  • 6. Which American author published the novel 'Sister Carrie' in 1900?
A) Mark Twain
B) Theodore Dreiser
C) Jack London
D) Edith Wharton
  • 7. What famous toy company was founded in 1900 in Denmark?
A) Mattel
C) Hasbro
D) Fisher-Price
  • 8. What famous brand of whiskey was officially registered in 1900?
A) Jameson
B) Jack Daniel's
C) Jim Beam
D) Johnnie Walker
  • 9. Who served as the Prime Minister of Canada in 1900?
A) John A. Macdonald
B) Wilfrid Laurier
C) Mackenzie King
D) Robert Borden
  • 10. Who became the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1900?
A) Abdul Hamid II
B) Suleiman the Magnificent
C) Selim III
D) Mehmed V
  • 11. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 is considered the deadliest in U.S. history, approximately how many people died?
A) 12,000
B) 2,500
C) 5,000
D) 8,000
  • 12. How many U.S. states were there in 1900?
A) 45
B) 48
C) 50
D) 40
  • 13. Who wrote the poem 'If—' published in 1900?
A) Rudyard Kipling
B) Robert Frost
C) W. B. Yeats
D) Emily Dickinson
  • 14. What famous food company was founded in 1900 in Battle Creek, Michigan?
A) Quaker Oats
B) Kellogg's
C) General Mills
D) Post
  • 15. Who was the Prime Minister of Australia in 1900?
A) John Curtin
B) Alfred Deakin
C) Edmund Barton
D) Robert Menzies
  • 16. Which country held the Summer Olympics in the year 1900?
A) France
B) Germany
C) United States
D) United Kingdom
  • 17. Who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1900 for discoveries about X-rays?
A) Marie Curie
B) Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
C) Thomas Edison
D) Albert Einstein
  • 18. Which musical composition premiered in 1900 by Gustav Mahler?
A) Carmen Suite
B) The Planets
C) Rhapsody in Blue
D) Symphony No. 4
  • 19. Which American state officially became the 44th state in 1900?
A) Hawaii
B) New Mexico
C) Utah
D) Arizona
  • 20. In 1900, which artist painted the iconic artwork 'The Scream'?
A) Claude Monet
B) Pablo Picasso
C) Vincent van Gogh
D) Edvard Munch
  • 21. Which actress, known for her portrayal of Scarlett O'Hara, was born in 1900?
A) Katharine Hepburn
B) Vivien Leigh
C) Bette Davis
D) Audrey Hepburn
  • 22. What significant discovery in the field of archaeology was made in 1900 in Crete?
A) Stonehenge
B) Troy
C) Petra
D) Knossos Palace
  • 23. In 1900, who founded the Ford Motor Company?
A) William Durant
B) Karl Benz
C) Henry Ford
D) Walter Chrysler
  • 24. What major political union was formed in Australia in 1900?
A) European Union
B) United Nations
C) Soviet Union
D) Commonwealth of Australia
  • 25. Which French artist began his 'Blue Period' of paintings in 1900?
A) Henri Matisse
B) Pablo Picasso
C) Claude Monet
D) Edgar Degas
  • 26. Which famous scientist proposed his theory of special relativity in 1900?
A) Niels Bohr
B) Albert Einstein
C) Erwin Schrödinger
D) Max Planck
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