• 1. the study of the application of the general principles of morality; included in this division is the category of
  • 2. a set of moral code to which every profession must subscribe
  • 3. the quality which makes an act good or bad, good
    or evil, right or wrong
  • 4. are those actions which stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality.
  • 5. are those actions which are not in conformity with the norm of
    morality (bad, wrong, against norms of society
  • 6. are those actions which are in conformity with the norm of
    morality (good, right, in line with norms of society)
  • 7. The study of the general principles of morality
  • 8. are those actions which are in conformity with the norm of
    morality (good, right, in line with norms of society)
  • 9. From the Greek word philo means?
  • 10. From the Greek word Sophia means?
  • 11. study of correct reasoning.
  • 12. the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. It is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion
  • 13. - study of behavior of organisms
  • 14. study of the origin and structure of the universe
  • 15. the study why a good God permits the manifestation of evil,thus resolving the problem of evil
  • 16. the science of the morality of human acts
  • 17. are those done either by man's mental or
    bodily powers under the command of the will.
  • 18. Acts done by both mind and body
  • 19. Either tendencies towards desirable objects, or
    tendencies away from undesirable or harmful things
  • 20. A type of vincible ignorance where the agent is very much aware and fully capable of overcoming his own ignorance without exerting
    much effort.
  • 21. Is simply ignorance that cannot be overcome by ordinary diligence and effort or without being aware of having it
  • 22. Acts done by the mind through the command of the will
  • 23. Know what his doing
  • 24. act preceded from will of the agent
  • 25. which means characteristic way of
  • 26. which means customary
  • 27. the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education,
  • 28. fundamental natural rights are "life, liberty, and property.” The right to education, and the right to health and healthcare.
  • 29. the ensuring of peoples' physical and mental integrity, life and safety; protection from discrimination on grounds such as race, gender.
  • 30. anything we are obliged to do or to omit
  • 31. It is the protection of individuals against abuses of the State
  • 32. These include the freedom of speech, assembly and religion; the right to self government; the right to acquire, possess and protect property; the right to suffrage; right to bail, and right to a trial by jury.
  • 33. the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty.
  • 34. These rights are to be respected, permitted, fulfilled as a matter of justice. The right of a worker to a wage is juridical but his right to a clothing allowance is non-juridical.
  • 35. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed.
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